Our nation is split like never before. The latest I've seen shows Pres. Trump won with 49.7%, and Vice Pres Harris ended with 48.2%. It's truly sad that we can't find a way to come together.
It seems today that acrimony and hate is at the highest rate than we've seen in decades... why?
We are all neighbors. Often, we are friends, we respect one another, we help one another, but somehow, it's ok to hate if "they" disagree with us.
What??? We need to come together like never before, not because we agree, but because we care about our community, about our neighborhood.
We're in a new territory now. Our division won't accomplish anything. It's only through partnerships, working together that we can truly accomplish anything.
Together, we are a nation that no one can beat. We are the shining light of the world! Why should America ever be looked down upon. We are the nation that most of the world aspires to be. Why should we fall a part within ourselves?
We are on the brink of another civil war. Why? Because we don't talk anymore. We retreat to where we feel comfortable, where we hear the voices that agree with us. Where life feels normal, but that's no way to live. This country was built under patriots that disagreed about many things, but somehow, someway, we came together to create the greatest nation in the history of the world!
So revel in your win, lick your wounds in your loss, but come together to keep this nation the greatest ever!
Together, we can accomplish anything, separated we can accomplish nothing.
Till next time,
Quote of the day: "Believe in your neighbor, in your community, and in this nation. Together, we can accomplish anything. Be a part of the solution and welcome those who disagree."