Friday, July 31, 2009


A few weeks ago we talked about Synchronicity and being in the flow of the universe/God so that things flow naturally the way they should.  Another side of becoming aware & open to the universal flow is to try & understand energy.  There have been many scientific studies over the years that show that everything has energy.  If you're able to wrap your mind around this idea it's the first step to understanding energy.  These studies have shown that not only living things but everything has some energy & on a very basic level we are all  made up of many of the same molecules, just arraigned differently.

The next step after the realization that everything has energy is to understand that we can feel & affect this energy throughout the universe.  The easiest way to illustrate this, for me, is to talk about people in your life.  Do you know a person in your life who is very negative.  They're always talking about obstacles in their life or they are just always in bad mood.  When you begin to talk to these people you will feel like you're losing your energy & your joyfulness/positivity. In actuality you are, I call these people energy vampires.  They just drain all the good energy out of you because they are so negative that they need more & more energy just to get through the day.

On the other side of the coin we all know people that light up the room just by walking in.  You feel better just have them around.  Their positive energy just flows out of them & changes the mood in the room.  This is the person that we should all strive to become.   You don't have to be a great social person to become this person.  It's not about being loud or overly friendly. These people sometimes don't say anything you can just feel their energy.

So how do we become this positive energy for the universe?  For me it starts with the recognition that there is energy in everything.  The next step is to understand who the people or which things in your life drain you.  Then you need to try & limit the amount of time & energy you spend with these people.  The final step is to live in the moment & be joyful about everything that comes into your life.  To always look to lift yourself & others up.  This sounds like a tall order & sometimes it can be.  We all have bad days or circumstances happen that we have no control over, but for me the truth is that you can continue to work on all the things we've talked about so far to bring more joy into your life. It all starts when you are continually in a state of gratitude.  When you're in this state the positive energy will continue to grow in you automatically.  The hardest part is to limit these energy vampires in your life until you are able to feel their energy, understand their energy & let it go of their energy so it will never affect you again.

Discover the different energies that enter your life & become a positive force of energy.  Affect a positive change in the universe.

Till Monday,


Quote of the day "Feel the flow of energy throughout the universe & influence it in a positive way everyday."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wisdom/Maturity & Growth

Although these words don't have exactly the same meaning, to me they're all interrelated.  I was having an interesting discussion with Heidi yesterday regarding this subject so I thought I would write a bit about it here.

My questions begin with Why?, Why does it take us so long to learn & grow.  Why are we so resistant to true wisdom & knowledge when we are young?  I think these are hard questions especially for anyone that has children.  I have 3 daughters who range in age from 29 to almost 16 but I don't think these questions are unique to my children.  I know when I was growing up I thought I knew it all, so I believe this is truly a universal question.  I also know that the growth I've gone through over the past 12 years has been amazing.   I've been able to learn & grow because of the things I've read, the people in my life & the amazing life coaching of Susie Wise-Peterson.  Through this time I've been able to learn some very difficult lessons.  Some of these lessons I've already shared with you, I'm hopeful that we can continue to share and grow together.

My question though is why it takes us so long to be open to growth/wisdom & maturity.  I believe a big part of the reason is our EGO.  I think it takes us years to try and tame the beast that is our EGO & so only after we do can we begin to open up to other possibilities.  I've always liked the stories about King Arthur & in fact I wrote a large term paper in college on Le Morte d'arthur the original story of King Arthur written by Sir Thomas Malory.  In this legend one of the things I've always found intriguing is the fact Merlin the wizard ages backwards.  What a wonderful thought that when we're in our prime we have all the knowledge we've learned throughout our life.

Many people live their life in the past because of this paradox, they fill themselves with what if?  what if I could go back in time & change things?  What if I knew then what I know now?  The real trap is getting yourself caught in this game.  The important thing to always remember is to live your life in the current moment & no matter how hard you try, you can't go back & change anything.  Accept the past for what it was & move forward to the next moment.

Unlocking the key to opening the mind at an earlier age would be an amazing thing.  I think the other part of the equation is experience.  I think it takes life expereince to open ourselves up & that's why we are resistant to wisdom, maturity & growth because we need to learn our own lessons in life.  If you know anything about the Tao it says that everything will come to you when it's the right time & the right situation.  I hope for all of you that the time is right to grow into the pure potential that each one of us has.

Finally, I have one other intersting note at least for me; many of the things I read & learned swam around in my head for years until they truly started to make sense & shift my way of life.  Hopefully reading this blog will at least open your mind to the knowledge that will help you to change.  The change is truly up to you & it will come when it's the right time & the right situation.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Listen to the wisdom of the elders in your life, they know things you may need to know, to grow into a more joyful life."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Do you have expectations?  Do you set expectations in everything you do?  It's very easy in life to expect a certain outcome & we all tend to do it in almost everything we do.  Expectations on their own are not necessarily bad, but in the universal sense they set as up for disappointment & by setting an outcome the universe works towards that expectation.

So, how do you feel when you've set an expectation & you have the outcome you expected?  For most of us it's nice but not truly joyful because we already decided what will we get out of a situation. For example, if you plan a vacation to place you've never gone to before & set your expectation that you'll have a good time, even if you have a good time is it truly as good as if you'd let go of the expectation & just enjoyed the trip?

My feeling is that expectations only lessen the joy you can feel & if you don't reach the expectation you've set you're truly disappointed.  So, why set them?  Why not instead just enjoy every moment & fully enjoy every experience that you have.  To me expectations are like are like a grade in school if expect an "A" & get a "B" you're disappointed and if you expect an "A" & get an "A" you're not really happy because you've reach what you already expected.

Take time to examine what you expect in your life from all situations you deal with & especially think about what you expect from the people in your life.  Live life in the now & enjoy every moment, celebrate the joy of discovery & let go of expectations.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day "Let go of expectations & live life in the moment!"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The greatest love we can have for another is true Compassion.  In today's busy world we are desensitized by other people's stories.  There's so much bad news on the TV, Internet, phone & newspapers that we've grown into people that don't feel, period.  We're afraid to feel because we're afraid that once we give ourselves to another or to a situation we won't be able to manage our own feelings.'s definition of compassion is as follows: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.".  Compassion truly is the opening of your heart to another...putting their needs before yours which is as close to unconditional love that we may be able to reach.

Trust me I know it's hard to open your heart, I've been told all my life that I care to deeply about people & I feel their pain when they go through difficult things in their lives. Have I been hurt by people because of this?  Of course I have but I've never changed the way that I am.  I love people deeply & I always look for the positive in any person I comes into my life, if I can't find the positive I try to look at what I need to learn from this person.  I also try & remember that we are all divine beings trying to do our best.  People making mistakes is part of us being human, if we can try & understand where they're coming from, we will grow as a person & the world will be a better place because of our understanding & compassion.

Deepak Chopra wrote this about if compassion is superficial : "When your individual self identifies with the universal self, then it feels compassion for anyone or any living creature. It’s not superficial in the least, because whatever you are feeling compassion for, it is your self that you are feeling. Nothing could be more personal and direct than your own feelings. And it is profound because it is more than sentimentality or emotional involvement, your soul is engaging and recognizing itself in the soul essence of the other. You are seeing yourself and knowing yourself in the life of the being you are feeling that compassion for."

Open your heart to love & compassion, let go of the fear of feeling, instead accept your feelings & grow as a person.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day "Allow compassion to open heart & discover what true love is."

Monday, July 27, 2009


I've always been a person who believes that God/universe has a sense of humor.  The reason I bring this up now is that to me one of the most interesting/funny things that happens in life is the reflection of things you need to learn back at you.  Some people become very annoyed by this process but I've always tried to find some humor in it because God/universe will continue to bring this lesson up to you until you learn it & move past it.

There several parts to the idea of reflection, I will try & give an example of each one.  The first example, to me, is the people you meet.  Have you ever wondered why a person in the office or neighborhood or church drives you crazy?  They may have never even done anything to get you upset but there's something about them that you just don't like & you don't know why.  Most of the time this is because of reflection.  This person exhibits a quality of yourself that you don't like very much or are trying to work on,  for example you tend to be a quiet person who wants to be more social & the person in the office that annoys you is loud & very social.  This isn't an easy lesson & it took me a long time to try & look deeper into why I didn't like a certain person.  But for me, I always try to come from the point of "what can I learn from this relationship" everyone we meet in our life is there for a reason & sometimes it's because of the idea of "reflection".  To learn the things about ourselves that we have to forgive, work on or move through.

The second way this works is a little more direct.  You have a problem with anger & you know you do but you can't seem to get it under control.  Well, God/universe will throw situations at you in your life that will cause you to get angry.  This may upset you, understandably, but instead you should be again looking at "what I can learn from this" .  That's why I believe that God/universe has a sense of humor....not always a good one but all He knows is to help you to be a better person!  If the same type of situation keeps reoccurring in your life look at what you need to learn, change or grow through to lead a more joyful/positive life.

Finally, although this isn't truly "reflection" it's worthy of mentioning here.  God/universe doesn't understand "no" all the universe knows is to provide what we need.  So if you keep repeating that I "don't have enough money" God/universe will give you more of not having enough money because that's what you asked for.  This is a very complex final point & it takes a while to wrap your head around it but to use the example above you should say "I have all the money I need" & God/universe will continue to provide you "all the money you need".  This is especially true with your gratefuls & visions board, don't think about lack, think instead about having everything you need.

Thoughts can change the world, watch what you think & try & learn from everyone that comes into your life especially if it's someone that annoys you.  Look deep inside & see what's being reflected back.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day "Love the person you see in the mirror & learn from every person that enters your life. Love life & love yourself"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Emotional Attachment

Yesterday we delved into one of the biggest obstacles I've had to overcome in my life, my Father.  What I learned from the experience & the process that I went through to remove this baggage from my life is called "emotional attachment".

What is emotional attachment, for me, the easiest way to explain it is this; have you ever wondered why a song brings certain feelings to you or a movie or a picture.  The reason we instantly fall into an emotional state when we hear a song or see movie or picture is because we attached an emotion with them the 1st time we experienced the song, movie or photo.  This emotion can be good or bad but we save it in our memory & we always go back to it, that's the way the mind works.

So, if we expand this idea to events in our life it's easy to see how we can fall into old patterns quickly.  The proof of this to me, coming from a big family, is that each of my sisters can recite a event that happen when we were young but because it wasn't an important event for all of us, some of us don't remember anything about it.  Yet the one reciting the story can give you every detail still like they were living through it again right now. 

The problem with this is that if we've had difficult things happen to us in our lives, like my Dad saying "You could have done better".  We attach emotions to anything similar that reminds us of those words & instantly you can be pulled down to a very bad place.  It works kind of like this for me; 20 years ago I was fired from a job, I had no idea it was going to happen in fact I did a lot of good things for this place but in my head rather then thinking about the good I did, I went immediately to "I'm not good enough"....."I can never be good enough".  Thus what followed was weeks of trying to get out of this depression that was caused by this "old emotion" which really didn't have to do with the job situation.

The way we get past this is to recognize the emotional attachment & choose a different reaction.  This takes work but the rewards are great because just as the mind remembers the the original event once we re-attach the event to something different the mind will remember the new feeling.  This change in thought is what will help us get past anything that has happened to us in our past.  If we move our "old" destructive thoughts to "new" positive/joyful thoughts we can truly change our lives.

I hope this helps & I hope you all have a great weekend.

Till Monday,


Quote of the day "Find an old thought or feeling, change it to a joyful new thought & you'll never fear the past, again."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Love Yourself

The response to yesterday's blog was amazing & several of you commented to me that being quiet is something that's hard for you or something you don't like to do.  Because of that I wanted to talk about the struggles I had with being quiet when I was younger.  To me one of the main reasons people are afraid or don't like to be quiet is because they don't like themselves very much, I know that was true for me.

It's important to understand that to give love you need to have love to give & that truly begins with loving yourself & being comfortable with who you are.  For me it took many years to get there, I grew up in a family of 5, I have 4 sisters & I'm in the middle of them.  A lot of pressure was put on me by my Dad because I was the only boy & he wanted me to succeed.  The problem was he wanted it so much that I could never do enough to please him.  I was almost a straight A student, finished in the top 10 in graduating class in HS, was a pretty good athlete, involved in student government, chess team, choir & all the school plays.  But it was never enough for him & therefore I never truly knew who I was or what I really wanted in life.  I stumbled through life until I was in my mid 30's that's when my change began.

I was fortunate to meet Heidi who was very supportive of the me changing some of the things I didn't like about myself.  As I mentioned before the change started for me with reading "The Return of Merlin" by Deepak Chopra.  He is still one of my favorite authors & I own 8-10 of his books.  I've also enjoyed Julie Cameron, James Redfield, Neal Donald Walsch, Gary Zukav & Marianne Williamson to name way too many....LOL

Anyway, my change took time & I didn't really get past my fear of quiet until my Dad's death & the help from my life coach Susie Wise-Peterson.  What I learned is that you have to forgive yourself for the things that have happen in your life.  As I've mentioned before the past is the past & you can't change it no matter how hard you try.  But, if you acknowledge it, forgive yourself or the other person or both & let the pain go you can move past it.  I've discovered that everything in your head no matter how bad, can be change by the steps I just outlined.  It's in that change of thought that you can be reborn to a more joyful/positive life.

Once I resolved the issues with my Dad, I actually loved being by myself & I enjoy taking time to be quiet.  I know the only way for me to continue to grow is to love myself so I can share that love with the world.  The change in me was/is dramatic & I know it can happen for you as well. Continue with me on this "Journey to Joy".

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the Day "Love yourself first, it's the only way to be able to share your love with the world."