Showing posts with label EGO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EGO. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving out of your own way

For many of us this title sounds like an easy thing to do. We believe we know where we’re going & just what steps we need to take to get to our ultimate destination but in fact this can be one of the hardest lessons to learn in life or at least it was for me.

I know I haven’t written much lately & I apologize to all of you for that. Life has been very busy settling into a new job & relocating to a new state. I’ve had many thoughts but not the time to write them all down & then yesterday I was reminded that so often we get in our own way of happiness. In fact we set ourselves up for disappointment, how do we do this? For many of us, it’s expecting a result.

I’m not going to tell you that all expectations are bad, but I’ve learned in my life that there really is no place for them. The best result that can happen way we expect a result is that we get what we expected &, for me, that diminishes the result because we only met our expectation. On the other side of the coin if we don’t get what we expected we can be crushed & left wondering why? or what’s next?

So often in life we make up our mind that “this” is what we need to be happy & when we don’t get it we blame God/universe for our sadness because all we needed was “X” & you didn’t give it me.

The truth is we set ourselves up for this disappointment because we think we know what’s best for us. I have found in life that opening your mind to possibilities will allow things to happen in your life that you never thought could or would happen. That’s truly the way we create our future. It’s an ever evolving path that we create cooperatively with God/universe. It is only through this ebb & flow that we can create the life we want to live, for when we get set in our path or in our ways we close off the world of possibilities & stay stuck where we are, which may not be the best place.

How many times in your life have you discovered after the fact that the thing you thought you wanted the most wasn’t really all that great. I can’t answer for you but for me it was often. When I was a young man I made things happen by sheer will. I wouldn’t take no for an answer & I moved through life knowing that I could get the “brass ring” anytime I wanted.

The sad part was I was never truly happy because I thought I knew what I needed to be happy & I believed that I knew what was best for me. I went through my younger years with great highs & sometimes very deep lows because the truth was I had no idea what I wanted & I allowed my EGO to dictate what was best in the moment. The EGO always wants the instant gratification & by following the EGO we can discover tremendous highs. The problem is that the EGO is never truly satisfied it always wants more & when it doesn’t get it, we crash & burn.

I have discovered that by stepping out of my own way that life is on a much more even keel & expectations play a big roll in that. I allow the best outcome to be created, rather then expect the result that I believe is the best.

The bottom is it’s all up to you: Open your mind & allow possibilities or close your mind & expect results. Trust me when I say this choice is life changing.

Until next time,


Quote of the day: “To expect an outcome only diminishes the result, be surprised, be open to the possibility & watch the world change around you.”

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When life doesn't flow!

I have found in my life that when I stay connected to my true self (soul) life seems to flow with little effort. Things unfold perfectly in each moment of everyday. But, when life isn't flowing when everything is a struggle we need to examine what's caused this disruption to the flow of life.

When I was younger I didn't understand how to connect to my soul. I'm not even sure that I understood what a deep connection was. I knew that I always felt at peace in nature but beyond that life seemed very disconnected. I've written before here that I would just "make" things happen in my life. What I mean by that is, through sheer will I would find a way to make what I thought was important happen in my life. This actually worked to some extent but the results weren't very good. Here's an example; Lived in Northern CA for a time & at that time I was working in banking. My ex-wife didn't like to live in CA so to appease her I flew back to Chicago (where we were from) & looked for a job. I found a job at a bank in Chicago & they were willing to give me some money to move back. The bank was a very small neighborhood bank & the bank I worked in in CA was the 3rd or 4th largest bank in CA (they had something like 200 branches) so needless to say the environment was completely different.

The day I started at this bank things didn't feel right to me & the job they wanted me to do changed completely (we had discussed me being a loan officer as I was in CA but instead they wanted me to be a "personal banker" that opened accounts). Needless to say I was fired within a month of moving back home. I wasn't fired because I couldn't do the job but because I didn't fit into their environment & they had someone else that had turned down the job before they offered it to me that changed their mind...the perfect person to them.

So this worked because it got me back home & I was making some good dollars but it turned sour very quickly. This is what happens when we're not connected to our true self (soul). We can have an immediate success but in the long run things never workout the way we think they will. The main reason for this is because of the EGO. I written a lot in this blog about the EGO & I would invite you to look back & read those blogs. But the EGO wants immediate satisfaction, it always wants the next best thing & as soon as it gets what it wants it wants something else because of this it's never satisfied.

Your life in an EGO state is filled with huge swings up & down....successes & then big challenges & even when the success out weigh the challenges life never feels fulfilling. We all have to deal with this EGO state to live a more joyful life. I personally don't believe the path to a better life means suppressing or ignoring the EGO is the way through. To me each part of us works together in harmony & the EGO is no different. It has a place in our life, we just can't allow it to take over.

So how do we move beyond the EGO? The easiest way is to acknowledge the voice of the EGO. This voice tends to be the quickest & loudest voice we hear when we are trying to make a decision. The EGO says "Listen to me, Listen to me"! So, if we acknowledge what the EGO is saying we can quiet the noise from the EGO. Once we quiet this noise we are able to move to the deeper connection of our soul. This deeper connection takes practice to accomplish but once you've gotten into a routine of listening to your true self (soul) it gets easier & easier. The voice of the soul is quiet & when it speaks it feels right in every part of your body. It will not lead you in the wrong direction.

When things don't seem to flow in your life, slow down & reconnect with your true self (soul). Through this connection you will rediscover the natural flow of a joyful life!

Till tomorrow,


PS I'm still looking for guest bloggers, if you'd like to write a blog here...let me know. Contact me at

Quote of the day: "When life feels disconnected, take time to reconnect to your true self (soul) & discover the joy your life can have."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The need for power!

Why do we as humans want power so badly? Why do we feel the need to be in charge? Why do we feel better when we have control over our life? Whenever I think about absolute power I'm reminded of the "Fellowship of the Rings" trilogy & the "one" ring that will rule them all. For those of you not familiar with these books & movies it's based around a Hobbit named Frodo who's one mission is to destroy the "one" ring. The rings power corrupts all that come near it & only Frodo's pure heart allows him to finally destroy the ring. At the end of the movie it is noted that although he's gotten rid of the ring he will never be the same because of the way it affected him. It also shown in this movie that "man" is the first to try & take the ring or the first to be affected by it's power.

Why do we crave power so badly? I think the answer to this is two fold. First power is connected to the EGO. The EGO feels fulfilled with power because it can get what it wants. I've written before about the EGO and how it has an unquenching desire for everything. You more you give into it the more it wants. The EGO is something we all need to learn to deal with in our life. Some say we need to "banish" the EGO to become a more enlightened person. I believe we need to learn to live with the EGO & understand when we are reacting from a place of EGO. This isn't an easy task but once you start to understand what the EGO wants you are able to move beyond the EGO to a more centered/spiritual place.

The EGO tends to be the loudest voice you'll hear. It wants & needs you to pay attention to it. So to move beyond it we need to acknowledge the noise it's creating & move inward to our true self (soul). Once you're able to do this you can live in harmony with your EGO. It's voice will still be there but the noise will be less.

The second part of the need for power is one of control. We all want to be in control of our life. This control creates the illusion that we know what's going to happen in our life or that we can effect what we want to happen in our life. This may be true from time to time because of the circumstances of your control but the truth is control is sham. We can control only two things in our life; 1) Our reaction to others & 2) Ourselves. That's all we can truly control in our life, if we're able understand this we are able to release the need for control & open ourselves to God/universe.

Power can be good or bad but the need for power will only lead us to self destruction. True power is given not taken & true leaders rise without the need for power. In fact sometimes the best leaders are reluctant to even lead. Let go of the need for power. Understand the personal power you have inside is your connection to everything. Trust in God/universe & understand that life will unfold perfectly before you release the need for control & accept the joy that is in each moment.

Till Monday, have a great weekend!!


PS I'm still looking for "Guest Bloggers" is you'd like to write a blog here, let me know. Send me an email @

Quote of the day:"Let go of the need for power & watch your life unfold perfectly before you!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Giving & Receiving

The act of giving to others is wonderful step to opening ourselves up to receiving gifts from the universe. For everything that we give out into the universe will return. This is the way the universe works. I've written before about the act of giving & the power it has to change your life but today I want to discuss the other side "receiving". How are you at receiving gifts from others?

One of the reasons giving is so satisfying is that it does actually fill the EGO. We've talked many times about how difficult it is to satisfy the EGO & giving doesn't satisfy it for long but it is one of the few acts that will satisfy it temporarily. So giving makes us feel good on several levels but receiving actually is against the EGO because we have to acquiesce to receive something.

I found in my own life that receiving any gift is difficult for me. I wrote early on that it took me many years to feel I was "good enough" for anything in my life because of the issues I had with my Dad. It is this deep seated fear of not being good enough that keeps us from being able to accept gifts graciously & this fear is connected to the EGO. The EGO is not happy when it's not in control & by accepting a gift it is no longer in control of the situation. This makes the EGO very uncomfortable & thus we feel uncomfortable.

So how do we move beyond this uncomfortable feeling of receiving? The answer is love!! In accepting a gift from another person we are actually accepting their love for us. If we are able to move from the uneasiness of the EGO into a place of love, the act of receiving becomes much easier. Realize that whatever has been given isn't the important thing. It's only the EGO that wants to judge & label things. The important thing is feeling the love of the person giving. Let that love fill you up, then you can continue to show love to the rest of the world.

Love is the strongest emotion we all share. It always needs to begin from within us & flow outward to the world. But, we also need to feel the love around us & the act of receiving gifts is one of the best ways. Open your heart to love & accept the gifts you are given with the love they are intended.

Giving & receiving are two very separate acts both can continue the flow of love in the world. Open your heart & be willing to accept gifts with the same love that you give gifts.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day:"Receive all the gifts you are given from a place of love & elevate your life to a more joyful place."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Truth behind the Lies

Why do we lie to ourselves? Do we actually think we can fool our true selves? So many of us are afraid of the truth especially when it's the truth about ourselves. We walk through our lives telling ourselves lies over & over again. The truth is we know the answers. In fact we know the answers to everything if we allow them to come to us.

Do the lies ever really work for you? For me there's times in the short term that telling myself a lie works. It's especially true when I'm doing something physical....I can make it to the top of the next hill. I can lift that box. But these lies aren't the lies I'm talking about. I'm talking about the lies we tell ourselves everyday. The lies we choose to believe because it's easier then facing the truth.

The real truth is that we deny ourselves the chance for growth every time we lie to ourselves. Many times the lie we tell ourselves is directed by the EGO. The EGO will tell us over & over again that xyz is what we need to be happy & when we're not happy after getting xyz it tells us it's because we need abc. The EGO tries over & over again to keep us away from our true self, why? Because it's afraid it won't be satisfied right now if we follow our true self.

The truth is that even the EGO will be satisfied if we listen & follow our true self. The EGO is afraid of everything that's not instant gratification but it will find joy when we are truly satisfied. It will still want more from time to time because that's how the EGO works, but it will find a state bliss that it's never known when it allows the true self to take over.

Stop lying to yourself, be honest & discover your true self. Find what will bring you true bliss, let go of the EGO & face the truth! I realize that sometimes this can be hard. We have to admit to ourselves that we're not perfect, that we don't always have the answer & that we're not always right. But it is through this truth that we will learn & grow. For realizing that we all make mistakes & we're all imperfect is the truth that will set us free.

Till Tomorrow,


Quote of the day:"Stop lying to yourself & discover the truth that will set you free!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The truth is power can be good or bad but today I'm not talking about power to control or even the power to lead. Today I want to discuss the power each of us have inside. Do you realize how powerful you truly are? You have the ability to change everything in your life with just your thoughts & the pure connection to your soul.

To me the soul is our connection to everything. It is the truest & most natural connection that we have. The unfortunate thing is we lose this connection as we grow because we discover our EGO. I've written many times about the EGO so let's just say that no matter what we do, the EGO will never been satisfied. It may be satisfied for the moment but never very long at all. It always wants more & always wants the next best thing. It takes us over so much that many of us spend our entire life just trying to make it back to our true connection with God/universe, our soul.

The journey of life is to rediscover that true connection with our soul. Some of us can, at times, reach that connection & when we do miraculous things happen. Everything in our life works in perfect harmony & just flows when we are truly connected to our divine source, the soul.

We have the power to not only change ourselves but to change the world around us when we have this true connection. Everyone today is searching for the quick & easy answer to make their life better. The answer is not something we seek outside ourselves. Don't look for what you think will make your life better. Instead look inside. Believe in you. Find the quiet within, discover the true connection with God/universe that is your soul. Sit quietly reflect on your life. let go of the pain of the past. Find the peace & love you have inside. Allow that love to fill you up & overflow to the rest of the world. Discover the joy of life in perfect harmony. Take the time to discover your true power within.

Till Monday, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Quote of the day:"Discover the power you have within yourself. Connect to your soul & rediscover the harmony we all can live in."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Destiny, I wrote a nice blog about destiny back in July but with the end of the year coming I thought it was a nice time to revisit the topic. What are your thoughts about destiny? Do you think everything we do is predetermined? Or do you think everything we do is self determined? Destiny is an interesting paradox for me, I think we are all born with a true life's purpose. The wonderful challenge for each of us is to discover what our true life purpose is. Sometimes this journey can take a lifetime. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can discover your purpose early on & fulfill this true purpose.

I believe strongly that God/universe tries to help us along the way. This helping hand tries to push us gently towards our life's purpose. Reminding us of what we were meant to do. The problem is that we don't always listen & sometimes we actually rebel against the thought of having a greater purpose.

Then, of course, we have to deal with our EGO. It is the EGO itself that keeps us from finding our true purpose. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a great definition for the EGO it is Edge Out God & that's what the EGO does. It wants the easy answer & the quick fix. It lusts for instant gratification & never wants to put in the work. This disconnection from our true purpose is the reason for all of the suffering we go through in our life. Yet, we continually give in to the EGO. Why? Because it feels good.

The biggest battle all of us wage in our life isn't from anything outside of our self. It is our internal battle to allow our connection to our true self & our true life's purpose. How many times in your life have you come to an important crossroad & had to make a big decision? To me these moments are God/universe trying to help us get back on track. These self defining moments happen throughout our life until we find our way back to our true life's purpose. The unfortunate thing is for some of us we never find our way back. We spend our life searching for that connection to our true self & never feel completely fulfilled.

The good news is that we can all find this connection. It begins with loving & forgiving yourself for anything that's happened in the past. Once you let go of the past, come from a place of love & live in the current moment (not in the past or the future) this connection becomes much easier to find.

When we are connected wonderful things begin to happen all around you to continue to push you towards your true purpose. There is no better time to start this journey then this time of the year. Let go of 2009 or any of the past that holds you back. Commit yourself to take the time to look deep inside. Listen to that small voice that you've been ignoring. Forgive yourself & all those in your life that have done you wrong. Love & when it hurts, love some more. You are a precious gift & you can find your true destiny. Believe in your true self, pay attention to the signs that God/universe sends you. Let go of your EGO & listen to your soul.

It's all possible, take the steps today to make it happen. I know you can! I believe in you!!

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Our true destiny is within each of us. Open your heart, listen to your soul & you'll discover your true destiny."


Visit the National Gallery of Writing