Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tearing down the walls

Do you put up walls? Do you compartmentalize your life? Do you decide what you'll allow others to see? I think from time to time we all hide behind the walls that we build in our lives. Why do we build them? Mostly for what we perceive is protection. We believe that by hiding things about ourselves we are protecting ourselves from the world. We've become so conditioned in our life that we're afraid to feel anything but especially pain. We scared to death about being hurt.

Fear is a deadly emotion it robs us from living the joyful life we want so desperately to live. We justify everything in our life by hiding behind fear & the truth is all the fear we create isn't real. Rarely do we ever experience the things we imagine but yet we justify our behavior because of what we imagine.

In our life we put up so many walls to hide behind because of the fear we have of being hurt. Now don't misunderstand, in the world today it's important to keep some information about yourself from the world especially on-line because their are people out their who will take advantaged of the information. But in our day to day life we don't need to hide from who we are. We are so concerned about what others think of us. That we're scared to be who we are.

This isn't the way to live your life. In order to discover more love & joy in your life you need to open yourself up. Sure sometimes you can get hurt but overall you'll discover more joy by being who you are. You'll learn that most of the fear you had is not justified & that people, overall, are loving & compassionate. In addition remember that the universe reflects back to us what we are. So if we come from a place of fear, we will be confronted by the fear more & more till we let it go. God/universe will always try to help us grow. It will continue to send us the messages we need to hear to move beyond who are & to become the loving being we all can be.

So what happens if you don't know who you are? The first step is always self discovery. You need to take time to get to know yourself. In the mean time be open & loving to everyone you meet. As you discover what's important in your life & who you are, be true to yourself.

Tear down the walls in your life. Open your heart, open your life & be true to yourself. The world is here to welcome you. Stop hiding & you will discover more joy.

Till Monday,


Quote of the day: Tear down the walls in your life. Open your heart to love & God/universe will send you more love! Be who you are, we're waiting to love you!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ok, so I woke up this morning with Jack Nicholson's quote "You can't handle the truth" in my head & as I do every morning when there's a clear word or message in my mind; I give it some thought & try to decide whether there's something there to write about. I wondered how many of us can handle the truth about who were are?

Do you know who you truly are? Can you be honest with yourself? So many of us live in a fog when it comes to who we really are. We put on a face, or several faces, for the world but never truly explore who we really are.

In order to move forward to a more joyful life & be able to live in a true state of bliss we need to understand who we are & where we're coming from. This exploration into ourselves is something that most of us try to avoid at all costs. First off we avoid taking this journey simply because it takes time. Many of us use this excuse to justify not taking this journey. The second reason we avoid this journey into ourselves is because we're afraid of what we'll find.

Most of what we create in our mind isn't the truth. We allow our mind to run away with various thoughts. These thoughts sprinkled with our fears create a world that isn't real. We are so filled with the fear of what we might find inside that we never take the time to actually explore.

It doesn't matter what your deepest thoughts or desire are. The point is to discover who you are at your deepest level. Every thought & every pattern we create in our life can be changed but in order to live a life of more joy we need to know the starting point.

Once we understand who we are at our core we can begin to overcome the pain & fear that has held us back. Be honest with yourself, no one else needs to know the truth. Accept who you are, let go of the fear & become the person you've always wanted to be.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day:"Be honest with who you truly are, move beyond the fear & into a more joyful life."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing