Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sometimes in life all we're really looking for is a little clarity. Clarity can be a difficult thing to find especially with the fast paced life that most of us lead. For me, Clarity only comes with deep reflection. What I mean by this is taking time to slow down & get in touch with your deepest self, your soul or the person you are truly meant to be. The challenge with clarity is removing the EGO from the equation. Since most of us want the "quick" answer to everything that comes into our life. Our first reaction, in most cases is to react from a place of the EGO. I wrote a great blog on the EGO 4 or 5 months ago, you should check it out if you haven't.

The EGO always wants the quickest & easiest answer it can get. It looks for the path of least resistance & the most EGO satisfying thing it can find. The problem with acting from the EGO is that it can never be satisfied. It always wants more, almost as soon as it gets the last thing...."Wow, that was great but now if I have "xyz" for sure I feel better".

So for true clarity we need to try and get past the EGO. We need to get in touch with who we truly are & what our true life's purpose is. This isn't easy to do, I still struggle with understanding how what I feel my life's purpose is fits into my everyday life. It's ok to struggle with this, but to move past the struggle is to bring some peace to your mind. Try & quiet your thoughts & just feel, feel from deep down inside. For me when I do this an answer will suddenly appear in my head. Most of the times it's not something you thought of before (I do this exercise most days to come up with a topic for the blog). If this answer doesn't bring you true clarity to the situation, what I do is set an intention for clarity.

Through the setting of this intention I open myself up for help from God/universe. How does this help come? There's no standard way, for me it's about paying attention to the things that appear in my life. The more attention you can give to the small things in your life the easier it is to pickup on the help that God/universe sends.

What do I mean by this? When I pay attention to the small things in my life I tend to see a certain pattern that suddenly emerges in everything. Many times for me it's several people from different parts of life saying the same thing or it's the same words or messages over the radio or on signs that become more clear. Through this attention to the detail of small things we can often find the clarity we are looking for.

Take time when you need clarity. Slow down & reflect. Set your intention for clarity & observe what comes into your life. Through these practices you will find the clarity you are looking for & lead a more joyful life!

I hope you all have a great weekend. Remember I love to hear from you & if you have topics you'd like for me to write about leave them in the comments below.

Thanks for following me, till Monday,


Quote of the day:"Slow down & reflect when you need more clarity in your life. By taking time reflect to reflect clarity will come."


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