Showing posts with label vision board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision board. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Have you set priorities for your life? Do you make a list of the things you want to accomplish? Do you even think about what's important in your life? So many of us just try to get through the day. Somewhere in our head we may have thought about what we want to accomplish in our life but we never spend much time really thinking about it. Before we know it we're 10, 20 or maybe even 30 years down the road in our life & we wonder what happened to the priorities we had for this life of ours.

It's easy to look back & figure out the big events in our life but to live the life we desire takes thought now. I've talked a lot in this blog about living in the current moment & discovering the joy that each moment has for us but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have priorities in your life. One of my first blog's was about creating a vision board & spending time each day in front of this board. This vision board should be filled with your life priorities. You should take time each day to sit quietly & focus on the pictures or words you post on this vision board.

If a vision board isn't your thing, write down the priorities for your life. Writing can be a strong way to focus on what you want to accomplish in your life. Look at the list of your life priorities, take time to focus on what you want to accomplish. Whether you use a vision board or just a list the important thing is to take time to think about what your want to accomplish.

Don't be rigid with your priorities, be willing to change them as new things come into your life. Being flexible in your life is extremely important. Things change all around us & as we grow things that were once important are no longer that important to us. It is by being flexible that we open our lives to the greatest number of possibilities. This flexibility is especially important in achieving our life priorities.

Taking time each day to think about what is important in our life will bring more of your priorities into your life on daily basis. Remember that the path we take to achieving these priorities isn't as important as achieving them. We need to release the results & allow God/universe to work for us.

Set your life priorities today, take time each day to think about your priorities & watch the world unfold before you. You have the power to create anything you want in your life. Believe in yourself & believe in the help that God/universe will send you.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "To accomplish your life priorities, take time each day to reflect on what's important in your life. Open your heart & allow God/universe to assist in creating the life you always dreamed of."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Are you confused in your life? Are you unsure of which path to choose? I think there are times in all of our lives when we all feel a bit confused. How do you get through these times? For me, I have learned a way to deal with the uncertainty of life. The path I take begins with patience. Patience is the most difficult thing to have when you're confused or uncertain & although there are times in life when a decision has to be made on the spot. Most of the time we can take the time that is needed to discover the correct path to take.

Why do I start with patience? I like to start with patience because most of the time the quickest & easiest answer to what's in front of us is an answer from the EGO. I've written often about the EGO & how difficult it is to remove it from the decisions we make in our lives. The most important thing to remember when we have life decisions to make is that the EGO wants the the easiest way & the way that will bring instant gratification. Patience can be a difficult way to begin but I've learned that usually it's the best way to start.

Along with patience I begin the process of narrowing my focus to really pay attention to the things in my life. As I've mentioned before God/universe will always send us the signs we need to know which path to take in our life. Sometimes these signs are very subtle & it's only through narrowing our focus & paying attention to the little things that show up in our lives that we're able to see a clearer path through these subtle signs.

The next thing I do when I'm confused in my life is to take a few minutes every morning with my vision board. One of the first blogs I wrote was on the creation of a vision board, take a look back if you're unsure of what it is. By taking time to envision the things we want in our life the path for our next step will become clearer.

Finally, I take time to reflect on the choices I have in front of me. Many times in my life if I clear my mind & reflect on the choices in front of me I can discover the correct path to take in my life. This reflection can lead me to a feeling which starts small but then becomes overwhelming. I believe this small voice is our connection to our soul & will rarely lead us astray. It takes time & practice to remove the noise of your life from your head & truly reflect on the choices in front of you. But I believe if you practice this deep reflection & truly listen to the small voice deep inside you the answers will be revealed.

Through these steps I have been able to guide my life along a more fulfilling path. I invite you to learn these practices & bring more joy into your life.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "When confusion enters your life it can be difficult to discover the path to take. Listen deeply to the small voice inside & discover the way to a more joyful life."


Visit the National Gallery of Writing