I am always amazed at how God/universe works. I've written often about how any of us can create our own joy and how our thoughts control what happens in our life. Yesterday was the perfect example of that again for me. I won't go into all the detail of my day but whenever I come back from the Smoky's I have a fresh new energy. When I use that energy to set intentions wonderful things always happen to me.
I think all of us get worn down from time to time with the daily grind that we all go through. This daily grind wears down our spirit & sometimes it can leave us so drained that the intentions we have for our life don't have the energy to come into being.
We all need to take time to refresh ourselves. This can be a simple process of just taking a few minutes a day to reconnect with your soul (True self) or it can be a little getaway that will refresh your spirit. I take time everyday to be quiet & reconnect with my soul but sometimes in the busyness of life I don't connect as deeply as I do when I'm able to get away.
The next important aspect of setting your intentions is to let it go & detach yourself from the results. This can be the most challenging part of setting intentions. We all know what we want but for God/universe to work with us as a co-creators we need to set the intention & let go of the results. When you want something really badly it's hard to let go of the results.
Here's the process I use. I create an intention as I sit quietly. I Focus on my intention. I clearly state what I want to accomplished, then I release the thought & I am immediately grateful to God/universe for the help to make it happen. Once I release the thought I try not to think about it again until things start appearing in my life. When things start to appear in my life I am again grateful for everything that appears. This state of gratitude is the final step in having intentions become your reality.
There is a flow in life when things are working the way they should be. It's a great feeling to be in that state of "flow". Recharge your life, set your intentions, detach from the results & be grateful for everything that appears in your life. Do this everyday & you will have the life you could only dream of.
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day:"Discover the limitless energy we all have inside. Use this energy to set your daily intentions & your life will know no limits!"