Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


How do you deal with pain in your life? Not physical pain but emotional pain. I think it's important to discuss the emotional pain we have in our lives & how to deal with it. I know for me it's especially difficult in times like this (i.e. Haiti) because I've always been a very compassionate & empathic person. It's difficult to see the level of tragedy that is going on in the world & not be moved by it.

Two of the most precious emotions we can feel as individuals in this world are compassion & empathy. I wrote a blog on each a few months ago. Compassion is the ability to understand & feel badly for someone else because of what they are going through in their life. Empathy is the ability to actual feel what the other person is feeling or at least a deeper understanding then compassion is. Compassion opens the heart to love. It's the first step to move beyond ones self. Empathy is the key to a better world. It's a big gift to humanity to be able to understand & feel what someone else is feeling.

So how do we move beyond this pain? Or if we're in love & been hurt, how do we move beyond that hurt & pain. I think the answer to this question is difficult because I believe everyone deals with pain in a different way. For me I first try to remember the good things involved with the pain. So in the case of a broken heart I work to remember the good times I had with the person involved. In the case of a world situation like Haiti, I try to find the goodness of what people are doing to help. In other words I release the pain by replacing it with the good that I felt or can see in any given situation.

The bottom line for me & the reason why I decided to write this blog is that regardless of the pain we feel because of having our heart open to Love, compassion & empathy we need to continue to feel these emotions & open our heart to love. The beauty & joy that love brings to our life far outweighs any pain that it may come into our lives. Remember to always come from a place of love, open your heart & give love to everyone. It's the greatest gift we can give.

Till Tomorrow,


P.S. As I write this there was another huge aftershock in Haiti (6.1 magnitude). If you haven't given already to the Red Cross just text "Haiti" to 90999 for a $10 donation added to your cell phone bill.

Quote of the day: "To move beyond the hurt & pain of love, compassion & empathy remember the good & continue to love. It's the greatest gift we can give.


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Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yes, Love....I've written about it from time to time because it's one of my favorite subjects. But I feel like it's time to write about it again. How do you love? Are you searching for love in your life? Have you found pain because of love?

Love is the answer to everything in our life. I truly believe that, love is the answer. I know it sounds wonderful but what do I mean & how do I find love? For me, love begins from inside of each of us. We all have a deep love trapped inside of us. It's the purest love we will ever find in our lives but discovering it can be difficult. The way to begin is to first love yourself. This can be very difficult or at least it was for me. I've always loved the people in my life but loving myself took me many years to figure out. I've written before about the relationship I had with my Dad to summarize here; I always felt that I could never be good enough for him. This lead me to being extremely hard on myself. I was overly critical of any mistakes I made in life & didn't feel like I could love myself because I wasn't good enough for my love.

I have discovered as I've gotten older that true love begins with loving yourself. We are all imperfect beings & in order to bring more love into our lives love needs to begin with us. Learn to forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Let go of the past because the past holds us back from finding true joy in our life. Remember that no matter what's happened to you in the past. It's in the past & can't be changed. So forgive yourself or the others that have been involved with your past & begin anew today. Once you begin to love yourself you can allow that love to radiate out of yourself into the world.

The next key is to always come from a place of love first with everyone in our life. What do I mean by this? Fill your heart with love & begin each conversation from love. Give people the benefit of the doubt & feel that love throughout all of your relationships. I've always believed that everyone that comes into our life, even for a short period of time, is there for a reason. If we come from a place of love first we allow that reason to be revealed.

The biggest mistake we all make is to search for love. Love will fill your life if you allow yourself to feel love. There's no need to search because what we give out we receive back. So begin with love inside of yourself & you will find more love in your life then you can ever imagine.

So what about the pain of love. I don't want to minimize the pain that can come from loving everyone who enters your life. But the joy we receive from filling our life with love will always outweigh the pain that a few individuals can cause. Remember that each person is on their own journey & we can't control where there journey will lead them. Celebrate the time that people are in our lives & learn from each relationship we have. By doing this our life will be better & love will always find us.

Believe in love, it makes all the difference in the world & if each of us loved just a little bit more the world would be a better place. Join me in bringing more love to the world & changing the world into a better place.

Till Monday, have a great weekend.


Quote of the day: "Love is the most fulfilling emotion we can have in our life. Open your heart to love & you will lead a more joyful life."


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Destiny, I wrote a nice blog about destiny back in July but with the end of the year coming I thought it was a nice time to revisit the topic. What are your thoughts about destiny? Do you think everything we do is predetermined? Or do you think everything we do is self determined? Destiny is an interesting paradox for me, I think we are all born with a true life's purpose. The wonderful challenge for each of us is to discover what our true life purpose is. Sometimes this journey can take a lifetime. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can discover your purpose early on & fulfill this true purpose.

I believe strongly that God/universe tries to help us along the way. This helping hand tries to push us gently towards our life's purpose. Reminding us of what we were meant to do. The problem is that we don't always listen & sometimes we actually rebel against the thought of having a greater purpose.

Then, of course, we have to deal with our EGO. It is the EGO itself that keeps us from finding our true purpose. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a great definition for the EGO it is Edge Out God & that's what the EGO does. It wants the easy answer & the quick fix. It lusts for instant gratification & never wants to put in the work. This disconnection from our true purpose is the reason for all of the suffering we go through in our life. Yet, we continually give in to the EGO. Why? Because it feels good.

The biggest battle all of us wage in our life isn't from anything outside of our self. It is our internal battle to allow our connection to our true self & our true life's purpose. How many times in your life have you come to an important crossroad & had to make a big decision? To me these moments are God/universe trying to help us get back on track. These self defining moments happen throughout our life until we find our way back to our true life's purpose. The unfortunate thing is for some of us we never find our way back. We spend our life searching for that connection to our true self & never feel completely fulfilled.

The good news is that we can all find this connection. It begins with loving & forgiving yourself for anything that's happened in the past. Once you let go of the past, come from a place of love & live in the current moment (not in the past or the future) this connection becomes much easier to find.

When we are connected wonderful things begin to happen all around you to continue to push you towards your true purpose. There is no better time to start this journey then this time of the year. Let go of 2009 or any of the past that holds you back. Commit yourself to take the time to look deep inside. Listen to that small voice that you've been ignoring. Forgive yourself & all those in your life that have done you wrong. Love & when it hurts, love some more. You are a precious gift & you can find your true destiny. Believe in your true self, pay attention to the signs that God/universe sends you. Let go of your EGO & listen to your soul.

It's all possible, take the steps today to make it happen. I know you can! I believe in you!!

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Our true destiny is within each of us. Open your heart, listen to your soul & you'll discover your true destiny."


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