Showing posts with label self reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self reflection. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2021

A Brave New World

A Brave New World

Sometimes in life facing the new day takes a power & energy beyond what others in our life know. We stumble because we don't believe that we have the strength to go on, when truly that strength is always within us. 

We need to look at the new day as an opportunity, instead of a challenge and realize that with each new day we move beyond the fear that holds us back. For without releasing that fear and moving forward in our lives we become stuck and stagnate and never become who we are truly meant to be.

Yes, somedays it takes great bravery to move forward and let go of all the yesterdays that have piled up inside of us. But, truly the only path forward is in focusing on what is possible in this new day and being grateful for the opportunity to have a fresh start.

All those yesterdays can be a huge burden to carry with you and the ability to let them go is not an easy one. You are braver than you believe you are and the secret to letting those burdens go is set firmly inside of you.

If the past year has taught us anything it is to be resilient and it takes being brave to find that resiliency. Trust in our strength, even when it feels like it's fading, and believe that every morning is a new opportunity, a new chance to live the life you've always dreamt of.

Yes, we live in a challenging time right now and it feels sometimes that we are facing a brave new world because of the daily changes we face. Just remember that you have the power to change everything in your life and you have the strength to make it happen.

Start each morning with things you are grateful for. No matter how small they are, they will begin to change the world around you by bringing a change in your outlook to the new day. Then compliment yourself on the things you have accomplished in the past day or two. We to often are ready to give praise to everyone in our our lives but ourselves. This will give you strength and purpose because slowly you will start to believe in yourself.

You are amazing and there is no one as unique as you. You have the power of God/Universe within you, you can connect with that power anytime you allow yourself to feel it. We are all one, connected by spirit and the more we allow ourselves to feel that connection, that oneness, the more we can face this brave new world!

Till next time,


Quote of the day: "You are braver than you believe you are and you can discover that strength by reconnecting with spirit!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mixed Signals

I have written often about the connection we all have with one another & with God/universe. With this connection we can discover a pathway to a better life. We can learn to set our intentions & watch them materialize. We can understand that anything is possible & that everything unfolds perfectly before us.

So what happens when you feel you’re connected & things around you begin to change but God/universe sends you “mixed signals”? What do I mean by “mixed signals”? To me, mixed signals are when you receive messages from God/universe that seem to contradict one another, as in: You apply for a new job that seems perfect & out of the blue your old job gives you a raise & a promotion. These two things seem to contradict one another but truthfully it’s all in the way you look at it.

In life, it’s much easier for all of us to stay where we are, even if the place we’re at isn’t the best place. We find a great comfort in knowing what to expect in our life even if we’re not as happy as we’d like to be.

So why does God/universe send us mixed signals? The answer to this can be very difficult but there are two very easy answers that allow us to understand how the process of intentions works. The first answer is that often God/universe gives us choices to see if we’ve learned what we need to know to move to a better place in our life. I believe that if we don’t learn & grow in our life the lessons will continue to repeat themselves until we learn the lessons we need to learn. So, in the case of “mixed signals” God/universe is saying, you have a choice of moving forward to a better place or staying where you are because it’s comfortable. The choice is always ours & it’s always more difficult to take a risk then it is to stay in a safe place.

I personally took along time to learn this message. Early on in my professional career I would always chase the job that paid more money regardless of how happy I was where I was at. I thought that money was the answer to my happiness & I learned the hard way that being happy has nothing to do with money & everything to do with enjoying where you’re at. In this first example God/universe is giving you the choice to learn & grow.

In the second answer, we need to look within. The truth is that since we create everything in our lives consciously or subconsciously we alone may be the cause of the mixed signals in our lives. We may be uncertain of what we want so the intentions we set are unclear to God/universe & thus we receive “mixed signals” in return. The setting of our intentions are in fact one of the hardest things to master & the clearer our intentions the better the result we will see.

I have at times, found it difficult to be certain of how clear the intention is that I’m setting, releasing & allowing God/universe to act on in the perfect way. So I have discovered that the only way, for me, to set an intention is to take time to be quite & focus on what feels right in my heart. Then I release the intention & ask for God/universe to allow my intention to unfold perfectly before me. The hardest part for me in this process is moving beyond my head & into my heart. I’ve written before of the power of the EGO & its need for instant gratification. This hurdle can be a tough one to overcome & until you do you may continue to discover mixed signals in your life.

The bottom line is when “mixed signals” appear in my life I take time to evaluate what God/universe is trying to show me. Self reflection will always bring more clarity to the situation & the “mixed signals” will begin to dissipate as you begin to understand what you truly want in your life.

Till next time,


Quote of the day: “Through self-reflection we can begin to understand the mixed signals that appear in our lives. Through this understanding we can grow to a better life.”