Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mixed Signals

I have written often about the connection we all have with one another & with God/universe. With this connection we can discover a pathway to a better life. We can learn to set our intentions & watch them materialize. We can understand that anything is possible & that everything unfolds perfectly before us.

So what happens when you feel you’re connected & things around you begin to change but God/universe sends you “mixed signals”? What do I mean by “mixed signals”? To me, mixed signals are when you receive messages from God/universe that seem to contradict one another, as in: You apply for a new job that seems perfect & out of the blue your old job gives you a raise & a promotion. These two things seem to contradict one another but truthfully it’s all in the way you look at it.

In life, it’s much easier for all of us to stay where we are, even if the place we’re at isn’t the best place. We find a great comfort in knowing what to expect in our life even if we’re not as happy as we’d like to be.

So why does God/universe send us mixed signals? The answer to this can be very difficult but there are two very easy answers that allow us to understand how the process of intentions works. The first answer is that often God/universe gives us choices to see if we’ve learned what we need to know to move to a better place in our life. I believe that if we don’t learn & grow in our life the lessons will continue to repeat themselves until we learn the lessons we need to learn. So, in the case of “mixed signals” God/universe is saying, you have a choice of moving forward to a better place or staying where you are because it’s comfortable. The choice is always ours & it’s always more difficult to take a risk then it is to stay in a safe place.

I personally took along time to learn this message. Early on in my professional career I would always chase the job that paid more money regardless of how happy I was where I was at. I thought that money was the answer to my happiness & I learned the hard way that being happy has nothing to do with money & everything to do with enjoying where you’re at. In this first example God/universe is giving you the choice to learn & grow.

In the second answer, we need to look within. The truth is that since we create everything in our lives consciously or subconsciously we alone may be the cause of the mixed signals in our lives. We may be uncertain of what we want so the intentions we set are unclear to God/universe & thus we receive “mixed signals” in return. The setting of our intentions are in fact one of the hardest things to master & the clearer our intentions the better the result we will see.

I have at times, found it difficult to be certain of how clear the intention is that I’m setting, releasing & allowing God/universe to act on in the perfect way. So I have discovered that the only way, for me, to set an intention is to take time to be quite & focus on what feels right in my heart. Then I release the intention & ask for God/universe to allow my intention to unfold perfectly before me. The hardest part for me in this process is moving beyond my head & into my heart. I’ve written before of the power of the EGO & its need for instant gratification. This hurdle can be a tough one to overcome & until you do you may continue to discover mixed signals in your life.

The bottom line is when “mixed signals” appear in my life I take time to evaluate what God/universe is trying to show me. Self reflection will always bring more clarity to the situation & the “mixed signals” will begin to dissipate as you begin to understand what you truly want in your life.

Till next time,


Quote of the day: “Through self-reflection we can begin to understand the mixed signals that appear in our lives. Through this understanding we can grow to a better life.”

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moving out of your own way

For many of us this title sounds like an easy thing to do. We believe we know where we’re going & just what steps we need to take to get to our ultimate destination but in fact this can be one of the hardest lessons to learn in life or at least it was for me.

I know I haven’t written much lately & I apologize to all of you for that. Life has been very busy settling into a new job & relocating to a new state. I’ve had many thoughts but not the time to write them all down & then yesterday I was reminded that so often we get in our own way of happiness. In fact we set ourselves up for disappointment, how do we do this? For many of us, it’s expecting a result.

I’m not going to tell you that all expectations are bad, but I’ve learned in my life that there really is no place for them. The best result that can happen way we expect a result is that we get what we expected &, for me, that diminishes the result because we only met our expectation. On the other side of the coin if we don’t get what we expected we can be crushed & left wondering why? or what’s next?

So often in life we make up our mind that “this” is what we need to be happy & when we don’t get it we blame God/universe for our sadness because all we needed was “X” & you didn’t give it me.

The truth is we set ourselves up for this disappointment because we think we know what’s best for us. I have found in life that opening your mind to possibilities will allow things to happen in your life that you never thought could or would happen. That’s truly the way we create our future. It’s an ever evolving path that we create cooperatively with God/universe. It is only through this ebb & flow that we can create the life we want to live, for when we get set in our path or in our ways we close off the world of possibilities & stay stuck where we are, which may not be the best place.

How many times in your life have you discovered after the fact that the thing you thought you wanted the most wasn’t really all that great. I can’t answer for you but for me it was often. When I was a young man I made things happen by sheer will. I wouldn’t take no for an answer & I moved through life knowing that I could get the “brass ring” anytime I wanted.

The sad part was I was never truly happy because I thought I knew what I needed to be happy & I believed that I knew what was best for me. I went through my younger years with great highs & sometimes very deep lows because the truth was I had no idea what I wanted & I allowed my EGO to dictate what was best in the moment. The EGO always wants the instant gratification & by following the EGO we can discover tremendous highs. The problem is that the EGO is never truly satisfied it always wants more & when it doesn’t get it, we crash & burn.

I have discovered that by stepping out of my own way that life is on a much more even keel & expectations play a big roll in that. I allow the best outcome to be created, rather then expect the result that I believe is the best.

The bottom is it’s all up to you: Open your mind & allow possibilities or close your mind & expect results. Trust me when I say this choice is life changing.

Until next time,


Quote of the day: “To expect an outcome only diminishes the result, be surprised, be open to the possibility & watch the world change around you.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010


One of the deepest negative emotions we have is Guilt. Guilt has been used to manipulate people for thousands of years. Guilt is one of the main differences between us & other animals on our planet. Guilt is ingrained in our culture & in most of the major religions in the world. It can be one of the most difficult negative emotions to move beyond.

So, have you ever felt guilt? Do you know how to move beyond it? The basis of guilt is the fact that we are extremely hard on ourselves & the way to move beyond is to forgive yourself. We all make mistakes & no matter what mistake we make in our life, the way to move past the mistake is forgiveness. I know this sounds easy & to some extent it is. The hard part is to actually forgive yourself.

Remember that whatever happens in your life, once it's done it's in the past & can't be changed. We all battle with our past & the only way to move beyond the past is to forgive yourself or the others that have done you wrong. So, how do we forgive ourselves? For me, the first step is to realize that I am an imperfect being. I make mistakes, it's part of being human. Then I accept responsibility for the mistake I made. What does that mean? Correcting the mistake as best as I can. Asking for forgiveness from the other people that were involved in my mistake or admitting that I was the one that did something.

The next step for me is to allow myself the time to feel remorse for what I did. Once I move beyond that step, I forgive myself & I ask God/universe to forgive me as well. We live in a beautiful world & one of the most amazing things about it is that if we are truly sorry for our mistake we will always be forgiven. Once I forgive myself I let go of the guilt.

I live each day as a new beginning. This way I'm always in the present moment. Part of this process to let go of the past & part of letting go of the past is releasing guilt & forgiving myself. You are beautiful person but you'll never be perfect. Understand your faults, forgive yourself & move on to a more joyful life!

Have a great weekend,

Till Monday,


Quote of the day:"Guilt is one of the deepest negative emotions. Forgive yourself & let go of the guilt & you will discover a more joyful life!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Are you looking for signposts in your life? Do you wish life choices were as easy as looking at a signpost? Are you confused because you see too many signs & don't know which one to choose?

Each one of us is born with a true purpose in our soul. The journey of our life is to rediscover this true purpose once our EGO is introduced into our life. Often when we choose to move away from our true purpose God/universe will send us signs to bring us back on course. If we continue to ignore the signs sometimes there will be a major life correction to get us back on track.

The struggle we all have is trying to understand the signs that appear in our life. These signs can be confusing, just as looking at a sign on a signpost. I have been fortunate to travel to England the last two years to visit my daughter who now calls England her home. In England they have brown signposts for everything you could possibly be looking for. My new Son-in-law likes to call them sticks of knowledge. These signposts can be of great benefit to find what you're looking for but they can also be a bit confusing when there are many signs on the same post.

In life we all wish there were signposts with every step we took letting us know that we can continuing on the right path. Even if these signposts got confusing we would feel comfort because the signs would keep coming & eventually we'd get back on the right track.

For me God/universe does create these signs they appear often in our lives if we pay attention to what's going on around us. In the book "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield he discussed reaching an insight where the signs in your life are illuminated. This "illumination" is a sign that a particular person or thing is important in your life. I personally haven't seen this "illumination" but I have learned to pay attention to things that draw my attention. This switch in focus can happen anywhere. Many times it's a subtle sign that appears & if you're not paying attention you could miss it. The key for me is the switch in focus. It's never the thing I'm currently paying attention to.

To become more aware of the signs in your life you need to take the time to truly observe your life. This practice isn't an easy jump for many us because the EGO always pushes forward with what it wants now. I would suggest to start by just slowing down & observing things around you. Paying attention & opening your mind to the potential of these signs from God/universe will allow these signs to begin to appear in your life. They may not be as obvious as a signpost but they will appear & benefit you as you move forward in your life.

The journey to discover our true life's purpose can be a lifelong journey. By opening our minds & hearts to the messages that God/universe sends us we can begin to find our way back to our life's purpose. In the end we all have choices & making the right ones is really up to us. Believe in yourself & believe in God/universe, together we can accomplish anything.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day:"Begin to pay attention to the signs that appear in your life & you will discover your true life's purpose!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The truth is power can be good or bad but today I'm not talking about power to control or even the power to lead. Today I want to discuss the power each of us have inside. Do you realize how powerful you truly are? You have the ability to change everything in your life with just your thoughts & the pure connection to your soul.

To me the soul is our connection to everything. It is the truest & most natural connection that we have. The unfortunate thing is we lose this connection as we grow because we discover our EGO. I've written many times about the EGO so let's just say that no matter what we do, the EGO will never been satisfied. It may be satisfied for the moment but never very long at all. It always wants more & always wants the next best thing. It takes us over so much that many of us spend our entire life just trying to make it back to our true connection with God/universe, our soul.

The journey of life is to rediscover that true connection with our soul. Some of us can, at times, reach that connection & when we do miraculous things happen. Everything in our life works in perfect harmony & just flows when we are truly connected to our divine source, the soul.

We have the power to not only change ourselves but to change the world around us when we have this true connection. Everyone today is searching for the quick & easy answer to make their life better. The answer is not something we seek outside ourselves. Don't look for what you think will make your life better. Instead look inside. Believe in you. Find the quiet within, discover the true connection with God/universe that is your soul. Sit quietly reflect on your life. let go of the pain of the past. Find the peace & love you have inside. Allow that love to fill you up & overflow to the rest of the world. Discover the joy of life in perfect harmony. Take the time to discover your true power within.

Till Monday, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Quote of the day:"Discover the power you have within yourself. Connect to your soul & rediscover the harmony we all can live in."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


"Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world."
Laozi (Tao Te Ching)

Why do we make things so complex in our lives today? It seems to me that along with trying to do everything faster & better, we tend to make everything more & more complex. Often in life it's the simplest answer that is the correct answer. When we have major decisions in our life we tend to vacillate between all the options we have available to us. Some people tend to make lists of all the possibilities & work through the decision as analytically as they possibly can. I use to do this all the time. I would beat myself up to make sure that I've covered all the possibilities, to make sure that I defined everything that could happen in a situation & then prepare myself for the various scenarios that I've envisioned.

This does work on very logical level but by making decision so complex we remove ourselves from the true flow of the universe. We are all connected on so many levels in the universe & the more we try to define what is correct in our life, the further we move away from this connection. Occam's razor says that when all else is equal the simplest solution is the answer. So why do we try to make things so complex?

I think as the cumulative intelligence of the world has risen over the past 100 years we've lost what's important to us. We try to explain everything & we discount anything that can't be explained. I spoke yesterday about patience & I believe making things simple is the next step to finding true joy in your life. Let go of all the gyrations of thought, take time to feel & listen to your soul. That quiet voice deep inside, the voice of God/universe it has all the answers you need & when you begin to simplify your life you will discover the true flow of the universe. Once you realize how easy things can be when you're within the flow of the universe you will work to stay in this true flow all the time.

It is our disconnection from our source (God/universe) that causes us all the troubles we have in our lives. If we can rediscover our connection & stay within it's nature flow, we will know more joy then we can even imagine.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Simplify your life, let go of all the complexity of the worl around us & you will find true joy!"


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Monday, January 11, 2010

Talking with God

Do you talk with God/universe? Do you get answers to your questions? I remember reading the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch & wondering at the time whether it was even possible to talk with God/universe. And if we could talk with God/universe would we really get any answers or was this book just completely contrived? When I was younger I use to have a problem with over analyzing everything. My mind would look for some empirical proof that what I read was possible. As I've gotten older & learned to quiet my mind I've discovered that talking with God/universe can happen to anyone everyday of their life.

To me the true connection to God/universe is your soul. The soul is the window to all possibilities in your life but many of us struggle to hear what the soul is telling us. We so desperately want an answer that we never take the time to listen. Instead we react to the noise in our head. That noise can be deafening & very hard to ignore especially if you have an overactive mind like me. Learning to quiet the noise & move beyond your mind was the hardest thing for me to learn.

I've spoken many times before in this blog about the problem with the EGO. The EGO is all consuming for many of us & the only thing we know to listen to. But the truth is that although it's always the loudest noise & always craves attention we need to let it go & get past it. Once we can move beyond the EGO & the active mind we can begin to feel the connection with the soul.

This deep feeling of understanding that I choose to define as the soul is the quiet voice deep within you. It's never loud & sometimes it's very difficult to hear at all. But if you take the time to move beyond the "noise" in your life, you will begin to hear that small voice deep inside which is your soul!

Once you've made the connection to the soul you will begin your conversation with God/universe. You will often hear the answers to your questions within this small voice & if the answers aren't spoken to you by your soul, you will see signs throughout your life to answer your questions.

As with Clarity, the way I find this connection is to quiet my mind completely. What do I mean by this? I try to empty my mind completely. I try to get to a point where there is nothing happening in my head....just a blank feeling where my mind embraces the quiet. Once I find this quiet, I listen. I start by listening to my heart beat & then I move beyond that sound to the small voice inside. I rarely directly ask questions because it knows what I need to know & many times it will answer me with what I need to know. Regardless of what I hear I pay attention to it & I pay attention to everything that comes into my life after I've made this connection.

People may argue that this isn't the voice of God/universe & that's ok with me. I believe it is & I believe it's the only way to move your life forward in true harmony. Let go of the noise & discover your soul through this process & you will lead a more joyful life.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day "Discover the connection to your soul & you can begin your conversation with God/universe today!


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