Ok, it's time to talk about letting go! One of the
most difficult things we must learn on our journey to joy & being more
positive. I spoke briefly the other day about how when I was younger I
would just, by sheer will, make things happen & the results didn't always
work out the way I really wanted them to work out. I have found as I have
gotten older & gone through my own transition that although this use of
sheer will works in the short term. Because you're not opening yourself up to
the universe/God you are in opposition to what is really the best thing for
We as human beings always believe that we know what's best for us, but the
truth is that we rarely know what's best for us. Instead, we tend to
bounce from one thing to another to try and find the joy we're missing in our
The answer for me begins with letting go. Once we learn to detach
ourselves from the outcome of anything we open ourselves up to more
possibilities. This opening up leads us without effort to what truly is a
better more joyful place. This letting go works with anything in your
life, friends. family & even other people. If we let go of our own
result or our own opinion, we become more open to a result we couldn't even
Practice detachment every day, not emotional detachment, detachment from
results. Here's some simple examples. You want a coffee & when
you get to the place you buy it from there's a long line. Instead of
getting upset because you must wait, understand that everything has its time
& maybe the reason for you waiting is to meet someone in line or to have
time to reflect, remember anything can happen. Next, you are in line at
the grocery & a person in a hurry comes up with two items....by letting
them go in front you create a good feeling for them that could actually change
their day & may in fact in some way affect your own life.
These are just a few brief examples of how letting go will continue to open you
up. The world is here to give you everything you need but you must accept
the signs & let go of the outcome!
As I mentioned before I'm always open to your questions or comments. I'm
also willing to try and address any subject that you'd like me to approach over
the coming weeks. I hope this is helping each of you......life is a
wonderful gift....enjoy every moment!
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day "Life is all about the journey, not the
destination....enjoy every moment!"
In this blog I share what I have learned in my life to be a more positive/joyful person living each day to the fullest & staying connected to my soul.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Letting Go!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Vision Board
The next step on the journey to joy and being more positive
is to create a vision board. A vision board can be anything that you want
it to be. As simple as words written on a piece of paper hung by your
computer or as detailed as you want it to be with pictures & other pieces
that mean something to you.
For us, we have created a bulletin board in our "office". On
this board we cut out of magazines several pictures & words that have
meaning to us. We have chosen to use the board for both the things we
want in our life now & things we hope to have long-term. It doesn't
matter what you do with this board (very much like the morning
gratefuls). What does matter is that you take a few minutes each day to
focus on the things that are on the board. As you do this some of these
things will begin to materialize into your life. You can add these things
to your gratefuls as they do materialize.
You can adjust this board as often as you like or as little as you like.
The important thing is, as I said, to spend time focusing on the different
things you've placed on the board daily. As with morning gratefuls,
imagine how these things will make you feel or imagine what your life will be
like because of these things.
For example if love is important to you, find a picture that means love to you
or write the word love on your board. Then everyday take time to envision
what your life would be like with love in it & be very detailed about how
it would feel and what it is that you mean by love.
This process will again start to open you up to the universe/God & help to
create positive changes all around you.
Remember, you are a co-creator in your own life and you can create anything
that you want if you envision it and let it go into the universe.
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day "The world will change when we realize that love is the
answer & that there are no other questions."
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Awakening
Today I think it's time to reflect on what we've talked
about the last few days. The practice of morning gratefuls, the
reflection of the feelings of how those grateful moments make you feel &
the release of the past is all part of the journey to joy that we are all
All of these first steps have one thing in common; a new way to look at the
world. That's the bottom line with starting this journey. We all
prejudge so much in life, especially as we get older, & to move forward to
more joy we must change the way we look at everything in our lives.
Is this an easy thing? For some the answer may be yes! For me, it
was very difficult. I always thought that I knew what was best in my
life. I was always "lucky" with many things & I was
fortunate to be very good at school. But because of this I became
entrenched in what I thought was the right thing to do was in my life.
So, I would have some amazing times but then I would have some very bad times
where I felt totally disconnected. When I first met my wife (Heidi) she
would at times ask me if she should put some pillows up. I would say, “What?”
She would respond; "So it doesn't hurt so much when you hit your head
against the wall!" I never looked at it that way. I always
believed that if I took control of the situation, grabbing the bull by the
horns" that I could make it work out. Many times, this did work but
the end result was not always what I wanted.
The best way for me to illustrate this is reflecting on a story like
this. Did you ever want something really bad, like a certain job or a
certain vacation and then when you got it, it was never what you thought it
would be. That's what happens when you're disconnected from the
The change comes when we open ourselves up & we find that everything in our
lives comes without effort. Bringing more joy to your life is the first
step in this process of living an open and more fulfilling life.
There's so much more to reflect on here but I've promised myself to keep these blogs
at a reasonable length. We'll continue to explore this
"Awakening" that leads us to joy in the coming days.
Thank you all for your support of this blog. Together we can change the
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day:
"The joy we find as a child should never be lost. Live life as a
child, open & free, accepting of everything you encounter."
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Put the Past in the Past
To continue to move forward to a place of joy in your
life. One of the most difficult but important steps is to move past your
past. We have all been through a variety of things in our lives and in
fact it is our experiences that have made us who we are today.
Unfortunately, because misery loves company, we tend to hold onto the negative
things that have happened to us in our lives. We show them proudly like a
badge of courage. But what truly happens is that we are holding that
negative feeling deep within us and so we continue to send out negative
thoughts which come back to us over & over again. Many people will
say, now my life is "good" and that's a wonderful thing but usually
when you talk to them about their life. They will say my life is
"good" except for "xyz". It's in holding on to the
past that you'll never get over the "xyz".
I realize that some things in our lives are hard to get over and I'm not trying
to diminish anything that you've had to overcome in your life. I am
instead trying to bring you past your past and onto a more joyful/positive
life. The way to move through this difficult topic is to acknowledge the
feelings and release them. The second part of this is to forgive, forgive
yourself first and second forgive anyone who did you harm.
A great example of this to me is Dr. Wayne Dyer, who I'm sure many of you
know. He was abandoned by his father when he was young. This caused
a great deal of anger, finally when he was in his 30's he decided he needed to
find out about his dad. He found that his dad had been married 4 more
times & abused every woman he was with. He found out that he had been
in and out of prison, he was an alcoholic and died with nothing. He went
to his grave and forgave him. He says because of this act of forgiveness
he was able to open himself up to joy and in fact his first book was written in
only 14 days after this epiphany.
Forgiveness is the key to letting go of the past, move forward to a more joyful
place in your life. Release the pain & the hurt, forgive yourself
& others and move into all the joy that can now fill your life.
Celebrate who you are and know that no matter what happens you'll make it
through....just look at all you've made it through already!! Keep moving
forward and continue with me on this journey to a more joyful/positive life.
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day:
"Live in the moment, because the pauses between the breaths are what lead
you to your next adventure. Every moment has meaning."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Being Grateful - Part II
The journey to leading a more positive/joyful life is
different for everyone. The first step of making morning gratefuls is a
great start. The process of being grateful opens you up to the good
things in your life rather than focusing on the negative. This shift of
consciousness is the beginning of leading a more positive life.
It is this change in the way you look at things that opens you up to more &
more positive things in your life. For some this shift is easy and just
taking the first step of doing the gratefuls leads them to the next step.
For others the process is more difficult, and the shift takes more time.
The main reason for this is in the acceptance of the feelings that the
gratefuls lead you to.
Take time after writing your gratefuls to realize the way these things make you
feel. Internalize the joy that is now a part of your life. This
extra step of feeling what you write helps to move the process out of your
head/ego & into your soul. The ego will always hold you back & we
will explore the traps of the ego later. For now, know that the
willingness to feel & continue to open yourself up is what codifies the
process and moves you forward to the acceptance of good & positive things
in your life.
It's in this realization that you will begin to see things change in your
life. As in the example I gave yesterday of the stone in the pond, your
acceptance of joy from the smallest things in your life will be sent out over
& over again, bringing you back more and more things to be grateful for.
Release the fear & all the negative feelings in your life, even if it's
only for the time it takes to write your gratefuls. Every move toward the
positive will bring you more joy & the process will become easier &
easier & more & more fulfilling.
Accept, let go & enjoy life.
Till tomorrow,
Quote of the day:
"Life is a bout love, if we all loved more the world would be a better
place. Expand your comfort zone and love someone new today."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Being Grateful
Yesterday I mentioned that one of the easiest first steps
for moving from a place of negativity to being more positive is by expressing
your gratitude. I believe that by finding ways to be grateful in our
lives we open ourselves up to a whole new world of possibilities. This
small step, that I practice daily, is an exercise that is well worth your time.
For those of you who don't know this practice, it's really very simple.
Every morning, I sit & think of things from the day before to be grateful
for. I try to write them down to have a record of my expressions.
It can be as simple as; I am grateful for all the wonderful people I've met on
Twitter or as personal as I am grateful for the love & support of my
wife. What you are grateful for isn't as important as going through the
process every day. The more routine you can make this process, the more
you can begin to open yourself up.
What I have found over the past several years of doing this is that what you
are grateful for begins to show up more in your life. There are many
reasons for this but the simplest way to explain it is that we are all
connected & your thoughts have power. Even the thoughts you don't
express are heard by the universe/God & those thoughts create actions
without you ever knowing it.
I like to think of this process as being like throwing a stone into a
pond. A single thought grows outward from its source (yourself) till it
is heard throughout the universe. There have been many studies that show
that this process does work. One of the most dramatic for me was the
effect of thoughts on water. By thinking about the water no matter how
far apart the people thinking of the water were, the water actually changed its
shape & structure.
Know that we live a beautiful universe where love is the greatest gift we can
give and because of this the universe/God wants to give us back what we
desire. If we only think negative thoughts, we will continue to bring
negative things into our lives as the universe/God only knows to give us what
we ask for.
Today start the practice of being grateful, reflect on what you are grateful
for and know how that gratitude feels to you in your heart & soul.
Believe it even if it's forced in the beginning. Together we can do
anything & if we all start to move to a more positive place imagine how
great this world will be.
Have a wonderful day.....tomorrow we continue the journey.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Beginning
How to begin? That's the hardest thing for most people, it took me years of listening/reading many things, to change. Most people are afraid of change in their lives. A part of me totally understands this but I've always tried to be a person that embraces change. I truly believe that change will happen with or without you so why not be apart of the formation of the change! Every person has the power to be a change agent in their own life, all it takes is the willingness to take the first step. Over the coming days/weeks I will explore the things that helped me to accept the changes happening around me.
For today, I want to explore the move from being a negative force in the world to becoming a positive person. For a lot of people this first step is the most difficult. It's easy to be negative, and the old saying that misery loves company can make it even harder to break away from the darkness of despair & negativity. But, if you're willing to change a small thought it can led to a whole new life. Realize that every step you take leads you to a new place & movement towards the positive will led to more positive things happening in your life. All you have to do is believe in the steps you take, no matter how small, and pay attention to the things that will happen in your life.
So what is a "small step", well it's different for everyone. It can be as simple as a smile or a warm greeting to someone who you haven't cared for before. For me, the change began with doing morning grateful's. At first I didn't even really believe what I was saying I just did them to try & find joy in the middle of despair. What happened is that they became easier & easier and I started to see that things were happening around me to support this change.
Why not take that first step. Why not move to the positive. Why not become a change agent in your own life!
Enjoy every moment, for that's where you find joy!
Till tomorrow,