Erana Leiken, principal of Tiger Marketing, is a marketing and PR consultant and freelance writer. She also teaches communication courses at the University of Phoenix and Web marketing and interactive content for the Art Institute of Phoenix. Formerly an NBC reporter, magazine editor, and Web business writer, she is writing creative nonfiction and doing Web consulting.
Please welcome Erana & be sure to check out her blog.
By Erana Leiken

I close my eyes and breathe deeply. As I take deeper, longer breaths, in my mind, I am transported.
I stand before an arch looking at the path that takes me into a golden field on the way to the garden, my beautiful, tranquil garden.
I follow the path to the water and the secluded garden where my guide awaits.
It is a spiritual retreat, and only I have access. It is an inner resting place I have created when there is nowhere else to go.
Life’s pressures and stresses are not allowed in my secret garden.
Once I am there, I escape the cares and weight of life. My guide is always there …when I am afraid, uncertain and alone. We are connected. We sit beside the water, and my guide listens to my doubts and apprehensions.
I know I can rely on my guide to help me when life is too much, and I need refuge. This is our time and place, an inner world untouched by others where there is peace and comfort from external reality.

In the garden, I am comforted by my gentle guide. We are detached from the material world.
In this oasis of meditation, I transcend responsibilities, worries and anxieties.
In my garden I am calm. I am safe. I am free.
Copyright © Erana Leiken, 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Archway photo by Maureen McGarrigle