Monday, July 19, 2010

Shall we dance?

Life has been odd lately. I wrote last Thursday on just how busy things have been & the truth is they haven't slowed down at all. I actually appreciate the busyness because I believe all movement in life is good movement. I know others will disagree with that thought but it's ok, I've just learned in my life that all movement, even negative movement, leads to new things. I love the discovery of new things & I believe strongly in change. I think we all need to embrace change as it will happen with or without us. I told Heidi the other day that to me, right now, I feel like I'm in a snow-globe & every time I think things have settled down someone shakes the globe again & mixes everything up.

It's truly been an odd few weeks & as I have learned to do, I take time to reflect on the events of my life & try to find some pattern or reason that I can learn from these events. As I was reflecting on the events of my life I started to think about dancing. I like the analogy of life being a dance. A dance that can change at any moment & a dance that can have many partners.

You see at times life can be as simple the box step, gently flowing across the floor with your beautiful partner. You're leading the way as things unfold before your eyes. Then at times life can be like a freestyle, moving to the beat the way that you feel is correct. You may be on your own but you're just enjoying moving your body to the music. For me, right now, life seems to be a Tango. It continues to entice me with every step but there's never anything beyond the dance.

I continue to dance with the universe & wait for things to unfold before me. I know when the timing is right that all this movement will lead to the perfect opportunity. My life has been a glorious dance & I enjoy the beauty of it with each step I take. I love to listen to the music & feel where it moves next. Enjoy the dance of life & live it to the fullest in each step you take.

Till Tomorrow,


PS I'm still looking for guest bloggers. If you're interested send me an email at:

Quote of the day: "The beauty of life is like a dance, it unfolds with each step we take. Enjoy the movement & feel the music of life!"

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Anonymous said...

I really like the dance analogy. I guess I would say my life right now feels like a slow dance. Not really sure where it's heading, but I know I'll eventually get there someday.

Savira Gupta said...

Was an indian classical dancer and so dancing and life went hand in hand. At the moment it feels likes the rock and roll. There is so much going on and I am literally jumping over and sliding under.....
Waiting for the calmness of the waltz to step in!

Sharon Cohen said...

I think I'd like to use your statement - I don't know where yet, but it'll be good:

"I actually appreciate the busyness because I believe all movement in life is good movement."

Odd, I used a dance analogy in my addiction recovery group recently. Odd because I haven't a clue how to dance and remain vertical simultaneously. The analogy did not require that I be a dancer.

And I am pretty sure that I am in a snow-globe too, though I'd never thought of it that way! It is wonderfully wondrous to think that God has a Hand in that "shake it all up" phenomena!