Monday, February 1, 2010


Over the weekend Heidi & I began to watch the "National Park" series by Ken Burns. I'm a big advocate of the national park system & I've spent time in several of the national parks. I'm hoping to feature one of my favorites everyday & also tie in some thoughts about why nature is so important & can lead us to a more joyful life. I've become inspired again after watching this series (we've only watched the first two) & feel the need to share my inspiration. I hope you'll all enjoy this journey & I urge each of you to discover a national park near you.

To begin this week I start with my favorite national park: Yellowstone!! The picture above is one that I took from the lower falls looking out through the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. This picture is hanging in our living room & I was fortunate to finish in the top 10 of a photo contest with this picture. Have you ever been inspired by a picture? This picture inspires me for a couple of reasons; First, I am able to transport myself back to the moment I took this picture & remember the beauty all around me. Second, this picture is a journey through life for me. I made sure to include the rainbow (I had to hang over a railing to get it in the picture) because to me a rainbow always signifies hope. We all need a little hope to get us through life. The Yellowstone river is the journey of our life, a winding path that disappears into the distance. There are times in our life that if we would just let go & with the flow we would be carried onto a better life. Unfortunately many of us try to swim up river & battle our way through life. Then finally, we have the blue sky, something always to be able to look up to with comfort.

Yellowstone is my favorite national park because of it's diversity. You have the beauty of many water falls, the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, the geysers & paint pots, the beautiful mountains & a huge lake. Along with all this diversity it's one of the best parks to see wildlife. The last time I was there we picked up a laminated wildlife & bird card & tracked all the varieties of animals we saw within the week. We were able to see most of the animals & birds that we on this card including: Buffalo, Elk, Moose, Grizzly Bear, Osprey & hawks. The beauty of the park comes alive to you much more if you take the time to get out of your car & hike some of the many trials the park has to offer. A park ranger once told me that 98% of the visitors to Yellowstone never go beyond their cars & the "tourist" spots. To me being able to get off the beaten path & hike with my two younger girls was amazing.

We began the week with the longest & toughest hike, hiking nearly 6 miles (round trip) to the top of Mount Washburn the hike takes you through many different types of scenery & eventually through several switchbacks to the top of Mount Washburn which is more then 10,200 feet above sea level. On this hike you go up a total of 1,500 feet from the beginning to the end. The beauty of the Yellowstone valley from this peak is amazing & I would encourage all of you to check it out if you go.

Yellowstone is huge, there is a loop road that covers most of the park. On this loop road there's a road that splits it approximately through the center. With stopping to enjoy the views & the animals you'll be lucky to drive one half of this loop in a day. My suggestion is to take as much time as you can. I enjoy staying in the "canyon" area because it gives you easy access to the other parts of the park. There are both camping & lodging options in the "canyon" section of the park.

The beauty of nature is something we all need to reconnect with. It is only through this true connection that we can rediscover who we really are. There is a part of us that remembers our connection to the land & it's in rediscovering this connection that we can begin our journey to a more joyful life.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "The beauty of Yellowstone is in it's diversity. Take time to discover this jewel of the national parks!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I love wolves. I think they are beautiful majestic animals. My screen name since we first started using them back in the 80's with bulletin board services has been "Timberwolf". Once the Timberwolves basketball team came around I had to add a few numbers to it to be able to keep it so now it's "Timberwolf123". The reason I bring this up is that wolves in general are very misunderstood animals. They have been labeled as evil & bad.

I don't like labels I wrote two blogs on labels back in October. The first dealt with labeling anything in your life & the second discussed labeling people, check them out if you'd like. The truth about wolves is that they are one of the more complex animals in the animal kingdom. They are very social, intelligent, great parents & only kill weak or sick animals. They were hunted to extinction in the western U.S. in a very awful way in the early 1900's. An amazing book about this was Nicholas Evans "The Loop". Then in the mid 90's the National Park Service began a reintroduction program in Yellowstone National Park. This reintroduction has been very successful & has restored the natural balance to the Park (before the introduction they had a problem with two many deer & Elk). The Park service still battles with cattlemen in the area who believe the wolves are a menace & cause them great losses to their cattle.

The facts are that although the wolves have killed some cattle (for the most part)they were the weak or sick & the cattlemen have been paid for each of their losses. The unfortunate thing is because of the culture of generations of killing these wolves most of these cattlemen still have a very bad attitude towards the wolves.

Labeling & teaching these labels to our children is a an awful tradition in this world today. Most of the hate that still exists in this world is because of generations of people labeling people for things that were done sometimes thousands of years ago. This labeling continues the cycle of hate & closes off the minds of those involved. Let go of the hate & racism that you were taught. Open your mind to this new world that is dawning right in front of us.

Why do I say this? I believe that their is a conscious shift happening in the world today. The use of the internet has brought people together closer then they ever have been & the differences that have been perpetuated for generations are beginning to dissolve. People are beginning to discover a better way. This better is to love! Love is the answer to everything this world needs, if we could all learn to love a little more this world would be an even more amazing place.

Let go of the labels in your life, learn to love more...starting with yourself. Each of you are a beautiful precious gift to the world & you have the ability to change the world. Believe in yourself & believe in love.

Till Monday....have a great weekend,


Quote of the day: "Wolves are a great example of how much labels can hurt the world. Let go of labels, open your mind & love more."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Dawning of another day

Over the past year I've had many people ask me how I stay so positive on a day in & day out basis. The answer for me has become a way of life. It took me a longtime to figure this out but once I did it's made all the difference in the world. I have bad days just like everyone else does but I've learned to even shorten the bad days to hours for the most part. How have I learned to do this? I've learned to begin each day anew. I let go of the troubles of the day before & I'm grateful to start another day.

This has been an amazing transition for me but it all begins with being grateful. Sometimes in a day it's difficult to find something to be grateful for, not because of bad things happening but because it doesn't appear that there's been anything good. So many of us just glide through a day from one day to the next nothing ever really changes. That's not the way to live your life.

I literally start each day as a new beginning. I wake up & let go of the day before. I clear my mind & say "Yesterday is just a distant memory, I am grateful for the lessons I learned & the wonderful moments. I choose to start this day anew as each day is a precious gift. I'm grateful for the gift of another day. I start this day with an open heart & mind & look for the wonderment of this new day."

That's it. I say this every morning before I get out of bed & I always start the day in a positive manor. This practice becomes a habit which naturally gets you into a good mood as soon as you wake up. Even on days way I'm waking up slowly I take a moment to begin with this phrase.

Remember that yesterday is the past & no matter what's happened it's done & over with. Today is a gift & it truly is all we ever have. Live from a place of love with an open heart & mind & each day will be a treasure to be discovered.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of day: "Each day is a precious gift, begin each day with gratitude in your heart & you will lead a more joyful life."

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Favorite things

Ok I know several of you that read this blog have also received this award. I love the idea of blogs & passing the awards around to keep it going I am writing 10 things that make me happy & listing my 10 favorite blogs (in no particular order).

10 things that make me happy

1. My beautiful wife Heidi. We've known each other for almost 14 years & been married for nearly 10. As with any relationship we have our moments of good & bad & the last 8 months with me out of work have been no exception to that. But the good far outweighs the bad, she truly is the best thing that ever happened to me & I love her more then she'll could ever truly understand.

2. Baseball - baseball has always been my favorite game & I use to be really good at it. My downfall is that I'm a Chicago Cubs fan & will always be. I enjoy watching the game & I still play every now & then.

3. My Children - Carrie, Samantha & Andrea have always brought me great joy. As a parent there's always trying times but I love them all & wish I could see them much more then I do.

4. Music - I love music & listen to it everyday. I still sing along with the tunes although my voice is very out of practice from when I was a professional actor. I wrote a wonderful blog about music a couple of months ago check it out.

5. Theatre - I still love to go when I can & it's been apart of my life for nearly 35 years. I performed at all levels from H.S. & College to Community Theatre, Semi-Professional & Professional. All in all I was in around 80 different productions & still love to have it in my life.

6. The Smoky Mountains - My little retreat from the world I've been going down there for over 25 years and still enjoy it as much today as the first time. The beauty & wonderful of the area is amazing to me. If you can ever go there be sure to check it out.

7. Photography - I love to take pictures of everything but especially the outdoors. I have played with photography since the time I was a child & I've won a few awards for some of my pictures. My eldest daughter just graduated with her degree in photography so we share this love together.

8. My Dogs - Sydney & Adelaide are two Australian Cattle Dogs & they make me laugh nearly everyday. Along with the joy they bring they are also the most loving dogs I've ever owned. We love to take walks together in the State park that's near my home.

9. Writing - This is something new that I've discovered. I've written technical stuff including training session & ad copy for years but started my blog a few weeks after I was laid off & have really enjoyed the whole process of writing.

10. Reading - I love to read books & I've enjoyed reading the blogs of everyone I know. Read also brings me great peace & can take me away to places I never knew I could explore.

My 10 Favorite Blogs (in no order)

1. Uplift Antidote

Jacqui writes a heart warming blog about life. She's always uplifting & a wonderful read. Start reading her blog today.

2. Stepping Gingerly

Canyn is a wonderful writer & a deep meaningful spirit. Take a look at this lovely blog.

3. Healing Morning

Dawn is a kindred spirit, she's a wonderful writer & has a great perspective about whatever she writes about. Start reading her blog today.

4. Onativia

Ray writes beautiful poetry, the imagery he expresses in his work is amazing & he always has a unique perspective of life. Give his blod a read today.

5. Fireside Moments

Anahid is another great read. She has a unique perspective on every topic she writes about. Check her out today.

6. Sally the Sea

Marie writes a wonderful blog about the various products her company has available as well as life in general. She always includes great pictures & is a dear friend. Check out her blog & products today.

7. The (Not-Always) Happy Homemaker Diary

Melissa gives a wonderful perspective of her daily life in this blog. She shows what it's like to be a stay at home Mom. She'll make laugh & cry sometimes in the same blog. Give her blog a read today.

8. Artisan of the Human Spirit

Tony has a great blog I just joined in reading it in the last couple of weeks & I'm hooked. Check out his blog today.

9. Coffee with Marty

Marty is a great friend & one of the co-founders of Authentic Bloggers on Facebook. His blog encompasses a wide variety of topics. Check it out today.

10. Authentic Blogger

Is a wonderful new blogging group on Facebook. The people who post here are warm & caring. They also participate with constructive comments on the members blogs. In addition this blog has great tips for any blogger. Check it out today.

I hope you you learned a little more about me. Thanks for being apart of my life & thanks for the award.




Growing up I was always very involved in sports. In fact I've played most major sports in some form or another throughout my life. As I've gotten older I haven't played sports as frequently as I use to but I do still occasionally play. With the AFC/NFC Championships this past weekend I thought a lot about this topic. So I thought we should discuss it today.

Most of the things I've written about in this blog have been ways to improve yourself to live a more joyful life. To me teamwork is also very important. Most of us have to deal with others daily in our jobs & many times we have to work with these people in a team setting. I have been in a management position in nearly every job I've had since I was 16 so working with people & motivating people to work as team is something that I'm very familiar with. So how do you motivate people? How do you work together as a team?

In my experience the best way to begin is to listen. I usually will start a group project by explaining the objective & then listening to input from the team. Through this listening often there are great ideas that can be incorporated into an action plan for the group. Even when there aren't good ideas coming from the group by starting with listening the other members of the group feel included. After listening & discussing what the team has been talking about I formulate an action plan. Once this plan is created & assignments give out to the different team members the work usually begins.

The next step for me is to circle back with each of the team members & discuss their assignments. It's important to remember that every person involved in the team has their own issues & personality so I like to give each person some personal attention to understand their resistance to anything going on with the project. By understanding the issues that each of the members of the team have, I believe the team becomes stronger.

Understanding that each person in the team is individual & listening with an open heart will lift each member of the team up to be more successful, not only in this project but in their career going forward.

There's is a joy in working together as a great team that can not be discounted. This feeling of being apart of a group that's supportive & successful can change the atmosphere of any work place. By believing in yourself & your team members you can accomplish anything.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Through teamwork anything is possible. Create a team today & change the world tomorrow." Registered & Protected


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Monday, January 25, 2010


How do you deal with transitions? To me transitions are that time between events or moving from one point of your life to another. Transitions can cause change but are not change themselves. Sometimes transitions are easy, like going from home to work. Other times they can be difficult, like going on in your life after you've lost a loved one.

I think our approach to transitions, just like so many other things in life, can make a big difference. I personally always try to stay open & accepting to any transition I have in my life. The hard part for me is if a transition is taking a long time. Although I always preach patience & overall I'm very good at having patience. When a transition goes on for a long period of time, it can begin to be a bit draining. I'm currently stuck in one of these long transitions. I have felt for a while that the reason I was laid off was to have time to do something bigger & better. I still really feel that way & in a lot of ways this blog & the people I've met because of it have been a wonderful part of my transition. I still look forward to everyday & I keep the wonderment of a child in my heart. I know that miracles happen all the time & in the right time my miracle will happen. But this transition has been longer then I would have ever expected it to be.

I have worked since the time I was 12 years old, beginning with my paper route. I have lost other jobs but I've never been unable to find a another job for longer then a couple of months. This transition is about to reach 8 months. I will never lose my faith or my belief in miracles, even if this transition goes on much longer. I know in my heart that everything that happens to us has a purpose & sometimes these transitions prepare us for a much greater life in front of us.

So if you're going through a transition, know that it to will come to an end. Never lose your hope or faith & no that even when it's darkest there's always time for the dawn. I believe in the process of God/universe & know that we can make it through whatever transition comes our way.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day:"Transitions happen in our life for a reason. Belief in the process & know that the best is yet to come." Registered & Protected


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So the other day I wrote about "Listening" & it dawned on me this morning that as important as it is to listen there's much more to communication then just listening. I wonder in this day of uber communication whether we are truly communicating better. I know it's easier then ever to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world but has the art of communication been lost in all the technology?

I believe true communication is a very important part of living a more joyful life. I think trying to make your way through everything we're bombarded with in this day & age can be tough though. I've written before about trying to quiet the noise around you & I think with communication it's especially true. I think that everyone that comes into your life has a message for you. Sometimes it's not a message we want to hear because many times we get back what we put out into the world. And for many of us what we put out is our biggest fear. I wrote blog early on that I entitled "reflection" that talks about how the universe gives us back what we put out into the world.

To me this "reflection" is the reason to pay attention to everything that comes into your life. Don't get me wrong it's not easy to see the things you don't like about yourself reflected back at you but in order to grow & become a better person I believe it's a necessary evil. The more people you truly communicate with in your life the better the opportunity there is to learn & grow. I know at times we all get tired of communicating with anyone, that's ok. But to truly grow & learn the messages God/universe is sending into your life you need to take the time to communicate with everyone who enters your life. It's only through the art of true communication that we can discover what we need to know to continue our journey to a more joyful life.

Practice listening & communicating, open your heart to all that enter into your life & pay attention to the messages that you are receiving, even when they aren't things you want to hear. Sometimes it's only through hearing the messages over & over again that we can grow & change our life.

I hope you all have a great weekend,

Till Monday,


Quote of the day:"Practice the art of true communication with everyone in your life. The message you receive can open your heart to a more joyful life."


Visit the National Gallery of Writing