Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Dawning of another day

Over the past year I've had many people ask me how I stay so positive on a day in & day out basis. The answer for me has become a way of life. It took me a longtime to figure this out but once I did it's made all the difference in the world. I have bad days just like everyone else does but I've learned to even shorten the bad days to hours for the most part. How have I learned to do this? I've learned to begin each day anew. I let go of the troubles of the day before & I'm grateful to start another day.

This has been an amazing transition for me but it all begins with being grateful. Sometimes in a day it's difficult to find something to be grateful for, not because of bad things happening but because it doesn't appear that there's been anything good. So many of us just glide through a day from one day to the next nothing ever really changes. That's not the way to live your life.

I literally start each day as a new beginning. I wake up & let go of the day before. I clear my mind & say "Yesterday is just a distant memory, I am grateful for the lessons I learned & the wonderful moments. I choose to start this day anew as each day is a precious gift. I'm grateful for the gift of another day. I start this day with an open heart & mind & look for the wonderment of this new day."

That's it. I say this every morning before I get out of bed & I always start the day in a positive manor. This practice becomes a habit which naturally gets you into a good mood as soon as you wake up. Even on days way I'm waking up slowly I take a moment to begin with this phrase.

Remember that yesterday is the past & no matter what's happened it's done & over with. Today is a gift & it truly is all we ever have. Live from a place of love with an open heart & mind & each day will be a treasure to be discovered.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of day: "Each day is a precious gift, begin each day with gratitude in your heart & you will lead a more joyful life."

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Lynn said...


M. Gray, Psy ABD, Certified Domestic Counselor said...

Bill...I truly believe there is also a physiological piece to this as well.. even genetics plays into the factor if you are a positive patty or a negative nanny. The thing is, that even when we are genetically predisposed toward positivity, we still have to choose to "go with our gut" and follow our instincts. When we consider our "demeanor" we also need to consider the the psycho-social-physiological impact on us as well. I think the hardest part for folks is when they are genetically predisposed toward negativity and they can't help it..those folks are the individuals who need to learn positivity and will struggle with learning it more than others. Mood management at its' finest here. I totally agree with you and what you are saying though...and I am blessed to know that I am as positive as I was yesterday as I am today.. Great Blob today!

M. Gray, Psy ABD, Certified Domestic Counselor said...

Woops... I meant BLOG not BLOB...sorry!

Anonymous said...

Bill, I start each day very similar. I don't put it into eloquent words like you do, but I lay in bed and think about today. Each day is filled with new promises and new intentions. I determine within myself that I'm going to be happy. I thank God for the many blesses and voila! 95% of my days rock! :)

Timberwolf123 said...

Hi Megs, Thanks for stopping by. I agree with you to extent but I believe even if a negative attitude is predisposed that you can re-wire that predisposition. The brain quickly makes new nero pathways when habits are changed. It's taking the first step to change your outlook then pursuing it until it becomes a habit....for some that will take longer then for others but it is possible for all of us if we make the effort.



Arabella said...

You're so right! You can absolutley re-program your thoughts into positive ones.

Love you,

Arabella said...

I'm grateful for you and have listed you on my 10 Favorite blogs:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill!
Lovely reminder of starting each day anew! There are some days where I have to even take that moment by moment!
Thanks for the perspective.


Healing Morning said...

I live my life in a very similar manner, Bill. It is a proven fact that with conscious, upbeat, positive thoughts, our brain waves change and our immune systems produce beneficial hormones. Therefore, doing that daily affirmation before rising from bed and doing it in a consciously positive mindset, we're essentially programming our energy and attracting similar energy back to us.

It's a very cool blend of scientific fact, pure faith and embracing energetic shifts in our auras. As we think, so do we create our own vibrational reality. It is our choice to choose the daily vibration. I think that God/Universe smiles in response. That's my story and I'm sticking w/ it!

Hugs and Namaste, my friend.

~ Dawn

Anonymous said...

Very true! Although I think most of the time people tend to stay in the negative mind-set & live in the past. Not a very healthy approach to life.

Healing Morning said...

Can't believe I forgot to add this daily vibration is usually "Yes". Not kidding!

~ Dawn

Timberwolf123 said...

Anahid, I believe people choose to stay's an easy chose. Negative energy easily takes over most people the old adage "Misery loves company" I wrote a blog on the affects of negative energy a while ago...check it out.



Canyn said...

That is so beautiful, Bill. You are an inspiration.