Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yes, Courage is an interesting word & subject.  Many of us don't believe we have courage of any kind, we live our lives in fear instead.  Courage is a virtue & I believe we all have it within us.  But for many of us we don't believe we have Courage in our life because we ignore our own strength.  It takes Courage to do the right thing everyday.  It takes Courage to stand up for what we believe in.  It takes Courage to change.

I trust deeply in the courage we all have because I know that no matter we go through if we believe in ourselves we will have the Courage to get through anything.  Sometimes true Courage only shows its self when we need it the most.  Yesterday we talked about reflection & taking time to look at the things that are going on in your life.  While you're taking this time to reflect realize the Courage you've had in your life.  Understand that you've made it through & therefore you can make it through anything that happens.

We reflect far to often on our failures in our life.  Our society only looks to success & enjoys pointing out everyone's flaws.  I don't subscribe to this thought.  I believe that any failure helps us to grow as long as we learn from it.  I've been through a lot of things in my life & part of my growth towards a more joyful life is directly due to the mistakes/failures I've made in my life.  I realized that through it all I've survived & sometimes I've even flourished. 

It was Courage that got me through & took a lot of Courage to change my life.  Believe in the Courage you have!  Trust that it's there whenever you need it & know that if you take the first step to change your life the world will open up to you like never before.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day:  "Courage comes from deep within us.  Believe in the Courage you have & change your life starting today!"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I've mentioned before how we all need to try to quiet the noise around us & take time for ourselves.  I think this time is very important to be able to reflect on everything that's going on in your life, if you're fortunate to have a friend or a loved one to discuss your thoughts I believe you tend to discover many more things.  Why is this?  For me it has to do with the way my mind works.  I tend to like to discuss things with others to hear their point of view.  This openness tends to lead me to more creative solutions & to things I've never thought of.  I'm not saying this is the answer for everyone, I know that everyone works in a different way.  I can only say that this works wonders for me.

Why am I bringing this up?  Well, as many of you know I went for a drive the last couple of days to see the fall colors in Michigan & just to get away.  Since I've been laid-off I haven't been able to do much outside of the house, we are in a real money conservation mode.  But, we found a cheap place to stay & decided that getting away was important.  This trip gave me a lot of time to discuss things with Heidi & reflect on where to go from here.  That's why I have found this process so important.

Regardless of how you reflect on the things that are going on in your life.  Try to take time often to do it.  The idea behind this is to look at your life as an "outside observer" to reflect on what's going on & discover clues in every part of your life.  This is not always an easy thing to do & finding the time can be very difficult.  Trust me though it pays off in big dividends.  If you are by yourself, I would suggest writing down the major things that are going on in your life.  Then the feelings that surround those things, many times you'll find a theme or a consistent thread throughout these major events & feelings.  Once you're able to recognize the theme you'll be able to clarify where to go from here.  Self-reflection is never an easy thing to do but if you take the time it will pay off in big dividends.  Remember that God/universe only wants to give you what you want, by clarifying the messages that God/universe is sending you, you are able to see what you're truly sending out.  These "true messages" may not be what you think you're sending out but a deep seated believe you've always had.  By paying attention & reflecting on the things that are going on in your life you can start to change the messages you're sending out & change your life to bring you more joy!

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Take time to reflect on the things happening in your life. This time of thoughtful reflection will lead you to a more joyful life."

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Be the Change

One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi "You must be the change you want to see in the world."  All change comes from within us & I've tried to embrace this idea over the past several years.  I've tried hard to be open & accepting to all people & all religions.  With this blog I've worked hard to do the same.  I've always been very interested in learning about all the major religions in the world & in fact I took comparative religions in both High School & College.  I bring this for two reason one; I believe the more knowledge we have about the other people we meet in our lives gives us the opportunity to be more open.  The second reason is; For me one the best examples of change is the prayer of Saint Francis.  For those of you who don't know this prayer here are the words:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

There are many interpretations of this prayer but to me it's about the Gandhi quote I lead off with.  We make choices in everything we do & if we choose to do the right thing in everything we do the world will be a better place for all of us.  Regardless of your religious belief's absorb these words & be the change in the world that you want to see.  

I believe that by opening up & living from a place of love we as individuals & together as a group can shift the consciousness of the world in our lifetime.  Imagine a world where we live in peace & harmony & all of us work to always do the right thing.  For me there could be no better place then this.

Start today & be the change you want to see in the world!

I hope you all have a great weekend.  I'm taking a drive to see fall colors on Monday & Tuesday so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write this blog (I will try).  Enjoy yourselves & I'll see you soon.


Quote of the day:  You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi 

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Finding your Joy

Do you know what gives you joy in your life?  Do you know what your life's purpose is?  I think we all struggle with these questions & some of us take their entire life before they figure out what their true purpose is.  I don't have any easy answers to these questions & if you have been reading this bog for a while you know I don't subscribe to the "quick fix" theory.  I truly believe the more effort you put into changing your life the better your life will be because the habits you develop over time & the practices you follow to keep yourself open & in the moment take work to perfect.

So what gives you joy?  Joy is state beyond happiness, to me joy is happiness on steroids.  There is a true bliss about being in a joyful place & I have found in my life these moments start from the inside.  So many of us are in search of things in our lives.  We believe that everything we are looking for comes from outside our own being.  We think when we find the perfect love or the perfect job we'll be happy & find joy in our everyday.  But I believe that everything comes from within & grows out into the world.  So, to find joy in your life you have to start with joy within yourself.  The next step, for me, is to live in the moment & pay attention to the smallest things in your life.  When you find joy in each moment it becomes easier to sustain this joy throughout all of your life.

This process is not easy, we tend to get distracted & caught up into the noise that's around us.  We don't like self reflection because we don't love ourselves very much.  But, like everything else if you work at it & begin with the desire to change your life, your life will change beyond your wildest imagination.

So what is your life's purpose?  Only you can answer that.  If you work to find the joy in your life your true purpose will be revealed to you.  I believe there needs to be a separation between our "job" & our life's purpose. Not many of us are able to have a job that completely fills us up.  We should all strive to find that "perfect" job but as long as you have balance between your work life & home life you can still find fulfillment through family, hobbies or volunteer work.  I believe that service to others is the quickest way to find your life purpose.  I believe this giving of ones self will bring more joy into your life then you can imagine.  Find a way to give yourself to others & discover what your life's purpose is.

Till Tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "The joy in life is living each moment to the fullest.  Find the joy in heart & let it shine on the world"

Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


For many years in my life I never truly understood this word.  Oh sure I knew the definition but I mean what it was suppose to mean in my life.  How about you?  Do you complicate your life?  Do you make things more difficult then they need to be?

The truest way to continue to move forward in your life is to let go of needing things, be of service to others & simplify your life.  Yes, it took me years to get this.  I always thought that because I could figure out a way to make something happen, that it was meant to happen.  Sometimes I would go through complex steps to get to what I thought was the final goal.  I discovered that although I became very good at figuring out out to make something happen, that rarely when I got what I wanted did I feel good.  I suppose there could be many reason for this but overall I've discovered that if something is suppose to happen it will happen.  Truly the simplest way is the best way.

This idea is hard to bring home for most people because we live in a complex world where there are many different demands on our time.  The truth is that this idea is very old, if you were to read the Tao many verses talk about finding the simplest way.  Now, this doesn't mean sitting on your bottom & doing nothing (even though at times that can work).  Everything in the universe first takes action to begin.  So taking the easiest/simplest path still requires action but the difference is everything will work together with you rather then you just trying to make things happen.

We are in a world that judges everything by instant success.  If something doesn't work NOW, it's not a good idea. (just look at all the fads we go through or people that become famous for a few months)  This isn't the way of the universe, the universe takes time to act in the simplest way for all.  By simplifying our own lives we can begin to see an easier path to everything we want.  God/universe only knows to give, it doesn't know lack.  So if we keep our thoughts clear and our intentions pure we will find the simplest way to success & more joy in our lives.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Begin to simplify your life & you will discover the natural flow of the universe."

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We talked last week about comfort & becoming comfortable in your life.  Another part of comfort is habits.  We all have habits that we follow everyday, habits can actually be good or habits can also be very bad.  The problem with habits is that they can be very difficult to change.  The repetition of these behaviors over & over again makes change more & more difficult.

I've written in the past that I've always been an advocate of change.  I truly believe that the way to grow & learn is through change.  But I also know that many people are afraid of change.  The truth is that change will happen with or without your participation.  It's a natural part of life, so why not embrace it!

So what habits do you have in your life?  Are there habits that you have that you'd like to change?  Habits take you away from living in the now.  They become so normal that we aren't paying attention to the current moment while we're moving through the habit.  Anything that takes us away from living in the now really shouldn't be apart of our lives.  The truth is though we all have habits.  They are apart of our life that makes us more comfortable & as we discussed comfort is also a dangerous place to be.  But comfort is part of our lives as well.

The good thing about habits are that if we create good habits, journaling, vision board, meditation, etc. they will become apart of our lives & we will repeat these good behaviors.  I've learned that if you actively think about the habits you want to change & replace the bad habits with a good habits within a short period of time you will move past the bad habits.  Now if these bad habits are something addicting like drugs, alcohol or cigarettes it will be much harder to change.  But I believe that even these difficult habits can be changed by replacing the habits with a good habits.  Of course if you have one of these addictive habits I would also suggest getting some help from professionals to ease you through the transition.

Our brains will rewire themselves fairly easily if we work to change the habits we don't like.  New nero pathways start being created quickly & these new pathways will become stronger with only a small amount of repetition.  Do you remember the old adage that if you repeat something (like a name) 7 times you won't forget it.  That's how easy it is to change the habits you want to change.

Create good habits and release the old bad habits.  This change in your habits will lead you to a more joyful life.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Habits can be good or bad.  The choice is up to you, create good habits & lead a more joyful life"

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Monday, October 5, 2009


In the past we've talked about Synchronicity & Living in the moment, another part of this same dialogue is living in harmony.  We can learn a lot about harmony from nature & paying attention to the balance in nature is a great start.  When you look at your life do things work smoothly?  Is there an ease in everything you do or does it seem to always take a big effort to move onward?

In my experience when we are truly connected to God/universe things flow very easily because there is a natural flow to everything.  In nature everything has it's purpose & everything works together with ease.  Even when there are storms these storms don't last forever.  Nature is always working to get back to a balance.  This idea of balance is something we should all embrace.  To often we push onward even when things don't feel right or we expect that great things will always continue to happen.  Remember that there should always be a balance in life & in that balance there may be times when things don't go as well as you'd like them to.  The thing to do in these times is to examine the message in the tough times.  Just as in nature when things are out of balance we can look at what is causing the in-balance, we need to do the same thing in our life.

Living in harmony takes a higher sense of attention we need to look at everything in our lives & try & find the messages.  As with nature there are always messages being sent to us by God/universe to help us to live in balance.  If we ignore these messages we will become more & more disconnected.  This disconnection will cause us to have more difficult times then if we stay connected & learn from the messages that are given to us.  Live life in harmony so that everything flows with ease.  Take time to examine nature watch the way it works in harmony & learn the messages you need to do the same in your life.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "When we live in harmony we have a deeper connection to everything in our lives. Discover the harmony in your life."

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