Thursday, November 12, 2009


What are your thoughts about death? Do you believe in life after death?  Do you believe in reincarnation?  One of the deepest seated traditions in all cultures is the traditions that are followed around death.  Death is a subject, for the most part, that isn't discussed in most places in the U.S. & it can lead to some very interesting discussion if it ever is brought up. 

I never really thought much about death growing up.  I lost my Grandmother when I was about 9 & still remember my Grandfather crying in our family room the night of her death.  Then when I was 20 I lost one of my best friends, my Grandfather.  Although his death affected me to some extent, the truth is I was so tied up in my own life it's only been since I've grown older that I've realize how much I've missed him.  Then nearly 4 years ago I lost my Father.  His death had a huge impact on my life.  This impact actually surprised me because we didn't always have the best relationship but from his death I've been able to grow & expand who I am & what I believe.

I believe that the core of who we are is energy.  This energy is connected to everything in the world & beyond.  It is this energy that we need to learn to tap into on a daily basis.  It is the energy of our divine creation.  Since at our core we are pure energy there truly is no such thing as death.  We are truly divine beings created by a divine being & when we leave this shell that is our human body we simply return to that divine source.

When we are able to connect to this energy, the energy that always dwells deep within us. We can connect to everyone who's come before us because when we die our energy is reconnected to the energy of everything.  The energy that is God/universe.

Is it easy to let go of the people we care about?  I have found it easier with the knowledge that they truly are still apart of us.  Like everyone else I miss the physical presence of the people I've know in my life but I believe when I need to hear them God/universe still sends us the answers that we need to hear.

So do I believe in reincarnation?  I'm truly not sure; there has been some compelling evidence that reincarnation may be a fact but to me it's not important. Whether we physically return to the earth or not, our energy, which is our soul, continues on forever.

Learn to reconnect with this divine energy on a daily basis.  Reconnect with the loved ones you've lost in your life & live through this energy to have a more joyful life.

I'm going to take tomorrow off from writing.  I hope you all have a great weekend.  I look forward to connecting with you again on Monday.


Quote of the day: "Death is not an ending it's only the beginning of a new chapter in our lives."

My third video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love - dealing with the past", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

On this special day in the U.S. (Veterans Day) I wanted to take time to discuss service to your country & thank all of the people who are currently serving or who have ever served.  There is no greater gift than to be willing to lay down your life for your country.  The incredible things that these men & women have done & seen in order to make the world a better place is amazing to me.  Far to many of them have paid the ultimate price by giving their life for their country. 

I truly believe the world is moving to place of more love & peace.  My hope would be that in our lifetime we will see the end of war.  But until that dream becomes a reality I salute the men & women that serve their country.

Many of the people that are currently serving had no idea they would be part of a war.  They were working everyday jobs just like you & me.  As a way to give back to their country they joined the National Guard.  In the past the National Guard has served mostly to help people after disasters.  These brave young men & young have now been pushed to the front lines in the war serving long tours of duty far away from home.

Can you imagine being away from your family & everyone you love for as long 18 months.  In a country you don't know & putting your life on the line everyday?  It's hard to imagine the sacrifice that these people have to endure. 

It's also important to remember the people they've left behind as well.  Imagine becoming a single parent because your significant other is shipped off to a war for up to 18 months.  All of a sudden you have to take care of everything on your own.  If you know of anyone that's in the situation, help them in anyway you can!!

Finally let's not forget when these brave young men & women return home.  Their readjust to a "normal" life is incredibly difficult & many of them can't handle the transition back.  Reach out your hand & help them.  Give them thanks & support them in anyway you can. 

I know we don't think about the people serving to much.  The statistics we hear on the news hurt us but don't really affect us unless it's someone we know.  Today & throughout the year give thanks to these brave men & women & reach your hand out to help them whenever you can.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the Day "Give thanks to the service men & women you know today. Reach your hand out & lift them up to show your gratitude!"

My third video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Do you know how to have fun?  Is fun part of your daily life?  As a continuation of yesterday's blog on renewal, I thought it would be great to talk about having fun.  Then I saw this morning when I logged on that today is the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street, an even better reason to discuss fun.

In life we know how busy we can be, we know that our work life can be full of stress & sometimes our home life can also be stressful too.  One of the best things to do for stress is to have some fun & especially to laugh.  Laughter will lift your mood regardless of how you're feeling.  In this day & age people sometimes are afraid to laugh because they worry about others reactions to their laughter.  I say stop worrying about what other people think, have fun & enjoy your life.

We put so many pretenses into our life, if I do this it will mean that's going to happen.  Sometimes you'll be surprised at the reaction of others in your life & truthfully we shouldn't be concerned about others reactions in our lives.  If we come from a place of love people will be accepting & may have some fun too!

Now obviously in a corporate environment you have to be sure you're within the rules of the company you work for, but there's nothing better then having some fun & having a great laugh.  I did a blog on laughter a couple of months ago & was amazed at the therapeutic effect of laughter.  There have been some great studies done on how a persons mood can change with just a good laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine.

One of the best ways to have fun is to allow yourself to see the world through the eyes of a child.  The wonderment you'll experience by opening your mind to the simple little joys in life that a child finds is amazing.  Be a child & have some fun everyday you'll discover how easy it is to lift your mood & how much joy this simple practice can bring to your life.

Congrads to Sesame Street,

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Put fun into your daily schedule & you'll discover how much joy you can add to your life!"  

My third video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Monday, November 9, 2009


What do you do to renew yourself?  Do you have a practice to renew your soul?  So often in this busy world the one thing we ignore is ourselves.  We've talked a lot in the past about taking time to be quiet, taking time with a vision board & taking time to set intentions but, we all need a practice to renew ourselves.  I have found in the past the easiest way to discover what helps you to renew yourself is something you love.  We talked in the past in the blog on passion how you should make time to do what you love.  Many times what we truly love will renew us. 

For me the answer to renewal is almost always being in nature.  I find great comfort in the beauty of nature & as I've mentioned before one of my favorite places to go to is the Smokey Mountains.  Whenever I've felt worn down or disconnected the Smokies have always renewed me.  I'm very lucky, as most of you know I'm still looking for a job, because my Mother & my In-Laws have paid for us to go to the Smokies over Thanksgiving (also my Birthday).  I look forward to reconnecting with this special place of mine. 

One of the other things that I love to do that helps to renew me is to take pictures.  I've always loved photography & to be out in nature taking pictures is a great way for me to renew myself.  As you can see it's really up to you to decide what helps you renew, maybe it's just a nice hot bath or some quiet time to read.  Discover what helps you to renew & find time to do it often.  We all need to clear ourselves out & renew our soul.  It is in this true connection, the one between our conscience mind & our soul, that we will always find true joy.  Discover what helps you renew your soul, for this renewal will keep you connected to your true self.  Practice this renewal process you will lead a more joyful life.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Find what helps you renew your soul, do this renewal often & stay connected to your true self"

My third video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Friday, November 6, 2009

Joy in every moment

We've discussed living in the moment many times before but it's always a great subject to talk about again.  Can you find joy in every moment?  Can you discover it even when things don't go the way you planned?

The truth is that the only time we have is "now".  We aren't guaranteed the future & the past is something we all need to move through.  So many of us get caught up in the past, we need to learn from our experiences, release the emotions, forgive ourselves or the others that have done us wrong & move on.  I know this sounds a lot easier then it is.  I've been through many things in my life & it took me a long time to figure out that the past has no bearing on the future or more importantly on the "now"!!  Trust me when I tell you that no matter what you've been through in your life you can move past it.  Read the blog I wrote about releasing the past & know that you can do it & it's the most important thing to do to move forward in your life.

So how do we stay in the current moment?  The easiest way for me is just to be.  I pay attention to everything that's going on in the moment & look for the joy in each & every moment.  I've found that if you let go of your EGO (I'm the most important person here, etc) & truly listen to the others around you, finding joy is easy.

This is especially true when things don't go the way you planned.  I had a day a few days ago that everything I had planned had to be changed.  Instead of getting upset with all the things that occurred I let go of the outcome & just paid attention to the events.  By doing this I was able to learn things about myself & the others involved in my "crazy" day.

Each of us has the power to be connected in each moment we live.  The more attention you pay to each moment the more you will discover and God/universe will respond to your shift by filling each moment with wonderful things.

Enjoy each moment, find the joy. By living in the "now" you will discover a more joyful life.

Have a great weekend, see you Monday,


Quote of the day: "Find the joy in each moment & the world will open up for you."

My second video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:  I will release the next video on Monday!


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Do you Procrastinate?  What does Procrastination have to do with living a more joyful life?  Procrastination delays any action we feel we should take.  The only way God/universe works is through action.  Without us taking an active role in our lives God/universe doesn't know how or when to help us.

I personally have never been a person that procrastinates but from the people I've had in my life that do I've heard many reasons why they do it.  These include, I truly don't have the time, I work better under pressure, I need a deadline to know when something needs to be done.  The truth is all these are excuses especially when it comes to your own life.  You need to take an active role in your participation with God/universe.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has a new book that was released a few months ago called "Excuses Begone".  The basis of this book is that all the things that hold us back from our joyful life are merely excuses we need to let go of.  Procrastination is one of those excuses.

Create an active plan to change your life for the better.  Start with small steps & focus on each of them daily.  With your active participation your life will change to a more joyful/positive life.  You have a choice in every moment of your life: "How do I want to live my life?".  The truth is that no action is still a choice so why not chose today to change your life for the better!!  Take action & become an active participant in the journey to joy in your life!

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Let go of procrastination & become an active participant in your life today!"

My second video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Taking a Stand

Are you willing to take a stand for what you believe in?  So many of us our certain about many things in our lives but we're unwilling to actually stand up for what we believe.  A few months ago I wrote a blog on negative people & how misery loves company.  In that blog I described how one person who is negative can bring many people down into their misery.  The true reason for this is that we social beings & we enjoy being around others.  This being social also leads us to not makes waves when we're in a social setting.

The other reason we allow this negative influence to affect us is because we haven't developed the connection to our source well enough yet.  In the beginning as we are learning to be more loving & stay connected to our soul, it's easy for us to lose the positive feeling of that connection.  As we begin to practice this connection we will be able to withstand others negative influence.

I've had many wonderful talks with people in private about their hopes & dreams for the world but I have often seen these same people unwilling to express these feelings in open communication to others.  In fact I've seen people actually contradict their feelings because of the people they are talking to.

I believe as a community we are all shifting to a more loving & understanding world but in order for this transformation to completely take place we all need to stand up for what we believe in.  This act of being willing to express our true feelings with anyone in our lives, will begin to shift more people to the place of love.  I understand that there are always risks in being open with people but I believe if we truly want to make a difference in this world we live in, each one of us needs to be willing to open ourselves up.

Together we can do anything.  I truly believe in each & every one of us.  Let's start today, let's begin to be more loving & be willing to share that love with everyone in our lives.  Stand up for what you believe, take action by being the genuine person you are.  By doing this you'll experience a more joyful life & the world will change! 

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Stand up for what you believe in, be willing to express your true feeling with everyone in your life! Make a difference today!"

My second video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


Visit the National Gallery of Writing