Monday, November 9, 2009


What do you do to renew yourself?  Do you have a practice to renew your soul?  So often in this busy world the one thing we ignore is ourselves.  We've talked a lot in the past about taking time to be quiet, taking time with a vision board & taking time to set intentions but, we all need a practice to renew ourselves.  I have found in the past the easiest way to discover what helps you to renew yourself is something you love.  We talked in the past in the blog on passion how you should make time to do what you love.  Many times what we truly love will renew us. 

For me the answer to renewal is almost always being in nature.  I find great comfort in the beauty of nature & as I've mentioned before one of my favorite places to go to is the Smokey Mountains.  Whenever I've felt worn down or disconnected the Smokies have always renewed me.  I'm very lucky, as most of you know I'm still looking for a job, because my Mother & my In-Laws have paid for us to go to the Smokies over Thanksgiving (also my Birthday).  I look forward to reconnecting with this special place of mine. 

One of the other things that I love to do that helps to renew me is to take pictures.  I've always loved photography & to be out in nature taking pictures is a great way for me to renew myself.  As you can see it's really up to you to decide what helps you renew, maybe it's just a nice hot bath or some quiet time to read.  Discover what helps you to renew & find time to do it often.  We all need to clear ourselves out & renew our soul.  It is in this true connection, the one between our conscience mind & our soul, that we will always find true joy.  Discover what helps you renew your soul, for this renewal will keep you connected to your true self.  Practice this renewal process you will lead a more joyful life.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Find what helps you renew your soul, do this renewal often & stay connected to your true self"

My third video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


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