Monday, November 2, 2009


Do you have passion in your life?  Are you willing to rediscover your passion?  I think so many of us these days go through our lives being comfortable. We're afraid to step out of the normal to really enjoy our lives.  I wrote a blog on Comfort a couple of months ago where I went into detail about how important it is to not become to comfortable in your life.  The important thing to remember is you need to step out & keep learning & growing.  I think that is where you need to find your passion.

Some of us can quickly reflect on our passions from our childhood, "I found true joy playing baseball" for example.  But in life as we grow older things seem to get in our way & we begin to settle for way to much in our lives.  If you can rediscover your passions your life will be better & more joyful.

The true expression of passion would be to have a job that you truly love.  If your one of the lucky people that this is the case, you are able to find joy everyday through your work.  For many of us, this is only a dream & we hope at some point in our lives we'll be able to do the thing we're passionate about.  In the mean time get involved volunteering or spend time after work doing what you're truly passionate about.

Take time to reflect on what your true passions are in life.  Make time to reconnect with those passions, your life will be better because of it.  It doesn't matter if you'll never become a great artist, if painting is your passion take time to paint.  We very often look to the end result to justify our action.  This is no excuse with passion, if you love to do something, find time to do it.

Live your life with passion for every moment.  Rediscover your true passions & life will be more joyful.

Till Tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Rediscover the passion in your life, take time to enjoy those passions & you will have a more joyful life."

My second video blog is now available on 'Youtube".  I continue on this blog discussing "love", take a look.  I look forward to your comments:


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Friday, October 30, 2009


Are you concerned about the uncertainty in your life?  Does it consume you not knowing what's going to happen next with your job, your relationship, your dreams? In the world today there is so much information about everything in our lives but it really doesn't help us to know what's next. In fact, I think all this information leads to more uncertainty in our lives. The truth is there is no defined answer to anything in our lives, that's why we need to live our lives in each & every moment.

The problem with us getting caught up in the uncertainty of our lives is that uncertainty leads to fear & we should never lead our lives from a place of fear. Everyone tries to scare us into doing things so we'll be safe.  I wrote a blog a few months ago about fear & the need to release it from our lives.  Uncertainty feeds fear & can begin the process of making our lives one of fear.

Know that nothing in life is certain but if we live our lives from a place of openness & love everything we ask for will be provided. Believe in the process of God/universe, know that if you let go of fear & open your heart you will always be provided for.  Everything in life happens at the correct time for us.  Sometimes we don't believe that because we want something else to happen in our lives.  But, the truth is that as long as we come from a place of love, set our intentions & detach from the result everything will happen at just the right time.

I hope you have a great weekend!!  See you again on Monday.


Quote of the day: "Let go of the uncertainty in your life, open your heart to love & everything will happen at the right time for you!  Believe in Miracles!!"

P.S.: Many of you may know that I've started a new video blog on "Youtube" if you want to see me & listen to me...check it out.  The subject of the video is "Love" here's the link:


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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sometimes the most important thing you can do for yourself is to just breathe.  Yes, I know we all breathe every moment of everyday.  But as the world is swirling around us at faster & faster speeds we all need to take time to just breathe. I wrote a blog a while ago on quieting the noise all around us & another blog on focus, these are very important things to do especially in our busy world. But the simplest thing we can do is just breathe. Even if you can only take a few moments, just breathe!

I know this sounds simple but it's one of the easiest ways to clear your mind.  It's a quick & easy way to reconnect with your soul.  I have found that most people never take the time to just breathe and this simple practice can truly change your life.

The way I like to do this is as follows:  Sit down if at all possible, take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for just a couple of seconds, then breathe out through your nose.  As you are breathing out release all the tension and all the thoughts that are currently in your mind.  Many times it will take more then one breath but even if it takes 3 this can be done in a total of 15 - 20 seconds.

Do it often especially when you feel stressed or need to focus.  As you get better at letting go you'll find it's an amazing way to reconnect with your soul.  Doing this simple thing anytime you feel you need to, will change your life.

The world moves to quickly in our time.  In the past, the generations always had time to reflect & breathe but that's not always the case today.  So be willing to take the first step to change your life.  Breathe & live a more joyful life.

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "By simply taking a deep breathe & releasing the tension in your life, you will lead a more joyful/positive life!  Do it today!"

P.S.: Many of you may know that I've started a new video blog on "Youtube" if you want to see me & listen to me...check it out.  The subject of the video is "Love" here's the link:


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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Do you harbor resentment towards others?  We talked a while ago about taking responsibility in your life.  In that blog I discussed how people avoid taking responsibility for anything in their life.  They like to blame everyone else for what's happening in their life.  The truth is we only have 2 things that we have control over in our lives. These are our own actions;  We can control what we are going to do, like getting another cup of coffee. The 2nd is how we react to others; that story was really funny you made me laugh.  We don't have control over anything else.  You may believe you do but truly you don't.

This 2nd control we have in our life, how we react to others is where resentment hides.  In the blog I wrote on taking responsibility I said that we all need to take responsibility for the things in our life.  We need to stop blaming other's.....he made me so upset that I am angry at everyone now.  You have the choice to let go of the anger so truly you have control over how you feel & this is where resentment hides.  I resent him because he ruined my day by making me so angry.

Taking responsibility is the 1st step of this process, the 2nd step is your reaction to others.  Can you have someone say something to you trying to get you upset & not get upset?  This is the toughest part of letting go of resentment & taking control of your life.  You need to come from a place of love.  Always look to others with love even when they are angry or trying to make you angry.  By moving to this next step you will never harbor resentment.  You will move beyond these negative feeling & onto a more joyful life.

Let go of the negative emotions in your life.  Open yourself to being the loving person we are all meant to be.  By coming from a place of love we can actually help this angry person let go of his anger.  Negative emotions want company, they need people to join to keep them going.  The old adage that misery loves company truly is correct & this is how negative emotions can take over your life.  Open yourself to love even when it's hard. Let go of the negative emotions of resentment & anger & continue on your path to a more joyful life. 

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the Day: "Let go of resentment & replace it with love.  Through love you will find a more joyful life."

PS: Many of you may know that I've started a new video blog on "Youtube" if you want to see me & listen to me...check it out.  The subject of the video is "Love" here's the link:


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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In the world today there seems to be a lot of people that have violated people's trust.  In fact there's a general feeling that nobody is trustworthy anymore.  Every politician, every actor, every company head has people that watch their every move to see if they are doing anything that violates our trust.

I believe this is a very toxic environment.  The media instills fear into everyone so we react from fear rather then from a good positive place.  There will always be people that take advantage of others.  These people are misguided they believe that money is the only way to joy & their EGO has taken over completely.  They will never find true joy because the EGO can never be satisfied.  It always wants more & it wants more as quickly as possible.  It doesn't consider the impact on others.

The truth to me is that most people are good people and they want to do the right thing.  I believe that, as with love, we need to trust more.  Trust as defined by is: to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something.  I believe the way to create a better place to live, whether it be our home, our town, our state or our country is to rely on one another.  I believe with the opening up of the world through the internet, cell phones & other communication devices that their are many people in the world that want to live in a better place.  Together we can make a difference.

Now, I'm not saying that you should blindly trust everyone (especially in regards to money) but I believe we need to lead with trust.  Believe in people, just this shift of your thoughts to a more open & trusting person will lead you to a more joyful life!

Till tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Trust & believe in the people in your life.  Together we can change the world!"


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Monday, October 26, 2009

Detachment II

I wrote last week about detachment in regards to your intentions.  In that blog I mentioned how we need to detach from the results of our intentions in order for them to be manifested.  I also discussed how we need to be careful with the way we phrase our intention & watch using words like want & need.  There's another part to detachment & it came up in a conversation I was having with a friend yesterday.  She asked me about patience with the universe manifesting our intentions.

I wrote a blog a while ago about patience.  The patience I wrote about was patience with yourself & others.  Patience can be a difficult thing for all us, especially in this hurried world we all live in.  We all expect everything to happen now!  This is never more true then with our intentions.  We expect that if we take the time to connect with our soul & set our intention in the right way that the universe should manifest our intention right now.

Truly, if we detach from the result of our intention completely we don't need to be patient.  Why? because if we detach from the result of our intention we aren't concerned when or how this intention will be manifested we just know it will be.  Now I realize that all of us do wait to see our intentions manifested.  In fact being connected to God/universe makes you more aware of what things come into your life. But truly if you detach from the results of your intention you aren't concerned about when this intention will be manifested.

In the bigger picture, I believe that God/universe has a sense of humor about things in our life & especially with our intentions.  I have found that God/universe likes to bring things in our life to show us what our true thoughts are rather then the intention we think we've set.  God/universe will also tease us with tempting material things to see if we truly want to stick with our intention.  I personally find it all very interesting but I never worry about the timing of it all.  I just truly believe that whatever intention I set will manifest itself in the perfect way at the right time.

Sometimes we think we know when the perfect time is for us.  But truly if a pure intention is set & it's not manifested God/universe doesn't believe it's the correct time for this intention to be manifested in our lives.  Trust in the process & everything will be manifested in the proper time.

Until tomorrow,


Quote of the day: "Release your intention & know that it will be manifested in the perfect way at the perfect time."


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Friday, October 23, 2009


We've talked a lot about different emotions over the past few months & we've particularly focused on the negative emotions that hold us back from having a more joyful life. I've tried to show you ways to work through these negative emotion to bring your life to a more positive/joyful place.  As we move forward on this journey to joy it's important to understand that we need to accept all of our emotions, even the negative ones as part of who we are.

As we grow to accept who were are & love ourselves where were at right now.  We need to allow ourselves to feel all of our emotions.  They are all part of who we are & although we want to minimize the negative emotions in our life, we have to accept them when we feel them.  Try to understand where the emotions are coming from, whether good or bad.  When we understand the reason we're reacting the way we do, we get to know ourselves much better.  Sometimes these emotions, good or negative, can be very deep seated from something that's happen in your life before.  The situation that you are experiencing at the moment may not be the same situation that happen in your past but it makes you feel the same way.  It's this connection to your feelings that's important to note.

By understanding the "why" of emotions we can minimize the impact of the negative emotions in our lives.  Sometimes these negative emotions serve us well, like Fear!  Although we don't want to live from a place of fear, (& far to many of us do) if you were in a situation where we should be in fear it does serve us well.  All of our emotions are important & they are all part of who we are.  Celebrate each of them & grow in your knowledge of yourself when you experience them.

You are a compilation of everything you've experienced in your life. Accept all the different parts of you including all of your emotions.  Grow & understand each part of yourself & you will lead a more joyful life.

Till Monday, have a great weekend.


Quote of the day: "Accept & experience all the emotions you have, for each emotion is a window into who you are." 


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