I love wolves. I think they are beautiful majestic animals. My screen name since we first started using them back in the 80's with bulletin board services has been "Timberwolf". Once the Timberwolves basketball team came around I had to add a few numbers to it to be able to keep it so now it's "Timberwolf123". The reason I bring this up is that wolves in general are very misunderstood animals. They have been labeled as evil & bad.
I don't like labels I wrote two blogs on labels back in October. The first dealt with labeling anything in your life & the second discussed labeling people, check them out if you'd like. The truth about wolves is that they are one of the more complex animals in the animal kingdom. They are very social, intelligent, great parents & only kill weak or sick animals. They were hunted to extinction in the western U.S. in a very awful way in the early 1900's. An amazing book about this was Nicholas Evans "The Loop". Then in the mid 90's the National Park Service began a reintroduction program in Yellowstone National Park. This reintroduction has been very successful & has restored the natural balance to the Park (before the introduction they had a problem with two many deer & Elk). The Park service still battles with cattlemen in the area who believe the wolves are a menace & cause them great losses to their cattle.
The facts are that although the wolves have killed some cattle (for the most part)they were the weak or sick & the cattlemen have been paid for each of their losses. The unfortunate thing is because of the culture of generations of killing these wolves most of these cattlemen still have a very bad attitude towards the wolves.
Labeling & teaching these labels to our children is a an awful tradition in this world today. Most of the hate that still exists in this world is because of generations of people labeling people for things that were done sometimes thousands of years ago. This labeling continues the cycle of hate & closes off the minds of those involved. Let go of the hate & racism that you were taught. Open your mind to this new world that is dawning right in front of us.
Why do I say this? I believe that their is a conscious shift happening in the world today. The use of the internet has brought people together closer then they ever have been & the differences that have been perpetuated for generations are beginning to dissolve. People are beginning to discover a better way. This better is to love! Love is the answer to everything this world needs, if we could all learn to love a little more this world would be an even more amazing place.
Let go of the labels in your life, learn to love more...starting with yourself. Each of you are a beautiful precious gift to the world & you have the ability to change the world. Believe in yourself & believe in love.
Till Monday....have a great weekend,
Quote of the day: "Wolves are a great example of how much labels can hurt the world. Let go of labels, open your mind & love more."